Contact Mr. Ball

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Speech Feedback and Final Draft & Asian/Islamic Empires

On Tuesday 24th, Feb. we divided our class into two basic sections. First, we worked on our speeches and then we began our next unit on the Islamic and Asian empires of the 1400-1900s. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Using your rough draft of your speech that you have already written, you should have written a revised version of that speech using the feedback you got using the revision protocol. Download another copy of the revision feedback protocol and do the same thing with a different person from before.

Feedback Protocol: Speech Revision

2) Once you have the feedback done for your revised speech, you should have these four papers:

- rough draft of speech
- feedback on the rough draft
- revised draft of the speech
- feedback on the revised draft

Be prepared to turn all of these in as part of a speech preparation packet.

3) Using the feedback you got on your revised speech, write a final draft of your speech. Practice presenting that speech and be prepared to deliver it to the class the next time you are in class.

4) Choose one of the following civilizations listed at the top of the instruction sheet and begin completing the following assignment.


Assignment: Islamic and Asian Poster Project


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