Contact Mr. Ball

Friday, March 28, 2014

The Scientific Revolution

On Friday 28th, Mar. and Tuesday 1st, Apr. we looked at the Scientific Revolution. We watched a small video, took notes, and then completed an assignment on scientific and technological change in our daily lives. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Turn in your city building project from last time.

2) Read Chapter 17 Section 1 of your textbook and view the following powerpoint and complete the following notes.

Notes: Scientific Revolution

Powerpoint: The Scientific Revolution

3) Watch the following video and write a 1/2 page summary on the back of your notes about the differences now to what you just read.

Video: Did You Know?

4) Complete the following assignment by reading the instructions. Remember the last column needs a parent or another adult to complete.

Assignment: Scientific Advancement Through the Ages


City Building (Part 2) And the Culture of Europe

On Wednesday 26th, Mar. & Thursday 27th, Mar. we spent time looking at European culture of the time and then spent the remainder of the class working on our city building projects. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) View the following powerpoint and Read Chapter 14 Sec 4 and complete the following notes:

Powerpoint: The World of European Culture

Notes: The World of European Culture

2) Continue working on your city building project. If you were here last time, you should know your jobs. If you were absent last time as well, you will need to come see me and I will give you an alternate assignment.


Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Absolutism and Building a City

On Monday 24th, Mar. and Tuesday 25th, Mar. we discussed the response of European nations to the crises of the 1500s and 1600s. We focused on Louis XIV and Peter the Great and especially Peter's emphasis on modernizing Russia. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Read Chapter 14 Section 3 of your text and complete the notes sheet. As an alternative you can read the section and complete questions 1 - 7 of the assessment at the end.

Notes: Response to Crisis

2)  Download the following assignment and answer the questions as if you were an absolute ruler that had the opportunity to create his or her own city. This assignment is an extension of what we talked about with Peter the Great. You will have the option of creating this city (preferable) or integrating into a city on your return.

Assignment: Creating Your Own City


Thursday, March 20, 2014

Book Reports and Grade Printouts

On Thursday 20th, Mar. and Friday 21st, Mar. we enjoyed our 3rd Quarter Book Reports and then spent the remainder of the class passing back work and discussing 3Q grades. If you were absent, you do NOT need to make up the notes; however, you do need check Skyward and make sure everything looks good. If you have any questions, please come see me.

IMPORTANT: Please make sure that you send me an electronic copy of your report and make sure you bring in a hard copy of that report. If you were supposed to present, you must come see me so we can discuss what we need to do as an alternate.


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Wars of Religion and Discrimination

On Tuesday 18th, Mar. and Wednesday 19th, Mar. we corrected our assignment from last time and then talked about the connection between what was happening in the 1500s to what goes on today. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up for what you missed:

1) Turn in your assignment from last time, Europe in Crisis.

2) Download the packet and answer the first six questions on your own:

Assignment: Speaking Against Discrimination

3) Then watch the two video clips and afterwards answer the questions about each one in the packet.

EXAMPLE 1: Discrimination in America Against Homeless Persons

EXAMPLE 2: Discrimination Against Latinos in America

4) DO NOT DO PAGE 3 OF THE PACKET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Peter the Great and Crisis in Europe

On Friday 14th, Mar. and Monday 17th, Mar. we began our next unit about absolutism in Europe. We looked at the political, religious, and social turmoil of the period and then watched a video on one of the great monarchs of the time, Peter the Great. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Read Chapter 14 Sections 1 & 2 and complete the following worksheet:

Worksheet: Europe in Crisis

2) Research Peter the Great and write a one to one and a half page report on him. What kind of man was he both politically and personally? Why is he considered different from the typical Russian? What did he do to change Russian culture? What was the importance of his city, St. Petersburg?


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

TEST: Islamic and Asian Empires

On Wednesday 12th, Mar and Thursday 13th, Mar. we took our test on the Islamic and Asian empires that we have been researching and studying the last several times. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) If you were present for the presentations but ONLY missed the test day, please create five (5) questions per empire that we studied that you feel is important and someone should know if they were here for the presentations. Use the graphic organizer notes that we created for each empire during our presentations to generate your questions. You will have a total of 30 questions. (Since you were here last time, you will already have created questions for Tokugawa Japan & Yi Dynasty, Qing Empire and Ming Empire.) You will only need to create the questions for the Ottomans, Safavids, and Mughals. Good questions will be ones that cover the main points and require at least a sentence to answer. Once you have created your questions, on a SEPARATE piece of paper write the answers to all of your questions. Have these questions and answers ready to go on your return.

2) If you missed ANY of the presentation days, you will do exactly as above except you will have to use the alternate assignment you did to make your questions for the empires that you missed the presentations for. (The alternate assignments are described in previous posts on this blog.  Just look for the day you missed and read the post.) Everything else should remain the same. Please be ready with your question and answer sheets when you return.

If you have ANY difficulties, questions or concerns, please let me know as soon as possible.


Monday, March 10, 2014

The QIng, Tokugawa Japan, and Yi Dynasty

On Monday 10th, Mar. and Tuesday 11th, Mar. we enjoyed our presentations on the Qing of China, the Tokugawa of Japan, and the Yi of Korea. If you were absent, you will need to get the information a different way because you will have missed all the presentation and class discussion. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Please make sure your report and presentation are done and shared with me on Google docs. (Please see previous posts about the requirements and materials you need. ANY QUESTIONS BE SURE TO EMAIL ME OR ASK ME!!)

2) Turn in your Venn diagram from last time.

3) Read Chapter 16 Section 2 - Chinese Society and Culture and complete the section assessment on page 519. Do not do question #8!!

4) Read Chapter 16 Section 3  - Tokugawa Japan and Korea and complete the section assessment on page 525.  Do not o question #8!!

 5) Using your notes and/or bookwork from today and last time, on a blank piece of paper, create five (5) questions about Japan and Korea that demonstrate what you learned and feel is important, but do not actually answer those questions. Do the same for the Qing and the Ming (from last time) but create eight (8) questions.

You should have a total of 13 questions that cover what you learned for the Ming, Qing, Japan, and Korea.

If you have any questions please come see me, thanks.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Moguls (Mughals) and the Ming

On Thursday 6th, Mar. and Friday 7th, Mar. we enjoyed our presentations on the Moguls (Mughals) and the Ming of China. If you were absent, you will need to get the information a different way because you will have missed all the presentation and class discussion. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Please make sure your report and presentation are done and shared with me on Google docs. (Please see previous posts about the requirements and materials you need. ANY QUESTIONS BE SURE TO EMAIL ME OR ASK ME!!)

2) Read Chapter 15 Section 3 - The Moguls (Mughals) and complete the section assessment on page 503. Do not do question #8!!

3) Read Chapter 16 Section 1  - China at its Height and complete the section assessment on page 515.  Do not o question #8!!

4) Make a Chart or 3 Circle Venn Diagram and list five things that make each empire unique from the others and then 5 things that they all share in common based on what you have learned about them.