Contact Mr. Ball

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

QUIZ: Renaissance, Reformation, and European Exploration

On Tuesday 20th, Dec. we took our small quiz and turned in our review packets and explorer assignments. If you were absent, please do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Turn in your Explorers assignment from last week.

2) Turn in your review packet which consists of your review crosswords (there were 2) and unit notes sheets (3 of them).

3) Schedule a time to make up your quiz before Friday 6th. January!


Friday, December 16, 2016

REVIEW: Renaissance, Reformation, and European Exploration

On Friday 16th, Dec. we passed out the study guide and review crosswords for the upcoming quiz on Tuesday. If you were absent, you will need to do the following:

1) Download the following study guide and complete it as if it were a worksheet. However, you DO NOT need to write in complete sentences bullet point notes for each vocab and question will be enough.

Review: Renaissance, Reformation, and European Exploration

IMPORTANT: Even if you were absent, you are expected to take the quiz on Tuesday. You will not be able to get the crosswords unless you come in and get them (I was unable to upload them). However, if you do what I instructed you above, I will forgive the crosswords.

2) Study, study, study.

3) Also remember that we will be doing our extra credit quiz as well. Here are the links to study below.

Answer Key: Renaissance Art Quiz

Renaissance Art Quiz (You will need to name artist and title of the art piece.)


Thursday, December 15, 2016

European Exploration (Continued)

On Wednesday 14th, Dec. we continued our look at European exploration. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Turn in your assignment from last time, Outline Chapter 13 Section 1.

2) Watch the following video and take 15 notes about what you learn (You can use the back side of the notes you print below since the back side is blank):

Video: Columbian Exchange

3) Read Chapter 13 Section 1 - Exploration and Expansion in your text and complete the following notes and assignment.

Assignment: European Explorers Chart


European Exploration

On Monday 12th, Dec we began our look at European exploration. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Turn in your assignment from last time, The Spread of Protestantism.

2) Watch the following video and take 15 notes about what you learn (You can use the back side of the notes you print below since the back side is blank):

Video:15th Century Mariners

4)Read Chapter 13 Section 1 - Exploration and Expansion in your text and complete the following notes and assignment.

Notes: Chapter 13 Sec 1 - Exploration and Expansion.

Assignment: Outline Chap 13 Section 1


The Protestant Reformation

On Friday 9th, Dec. we discussed the importance of the Protestant Reformation and its connection to the ideas of the Renaissance. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Watch the following 15 min video and write down 10 facts that help answer the following questions:

- Who was Martin Luther?
- What were some of his ideas regarding religion?
- What happened as his ideas spread?

Video: The Protestant Reformation

2) Read Chapter 12 Section 3 of your text and fill in the notes. For notes you can not find, you may copy from a friend.

Notes: Chapter 12 Section 3 - The Protestant Reformation

3) Read Chapter 12 Section 4 of your text and complete the following assignment.

Assignment: Chapter 12 Section 4 - The Spread of Protestantism


Wednesday, December 7, 2016

The Renaissance

On Wednesday 7th, Dec. we began our look at the Renaissance. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Read Chapter 12 Sections 1 and 2 and fill in the notes to the best of your ability. For notes you can not find, you may copy from a friend.

Notes: The Renaissance

2) Complete the following chart by locating and identifying each of the people listed. You will find these people by reading Chapter 12 Sections 1 and 2 of your text. Most are bolded and highlighted so they are easy to find. Be sure to read the WHOLE sections so you get all the information.

Assignment: Important People of the Renaissance

3) OPTIONAL: We will be taking an extra credit quiz on Renaissance art and artists. Study the following art examples and accompanying answer key and prepare for the quiz. The answer key is in the order of the pictures. The quiz will be just the pictures of course!

Answer Key: Renaissance Art Quiz

Renaissance Art Quiz (You will need to name artist and title of the art piece.)


Friday, December 2, 2016

TEST: India, China, & Islam

On Friday 2nd, Dec. we took our test and turned in our review packets. If you were absent, please do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Download the following notes and then view the following presentations to get the notes you need. View each presentation and take 6-8 notes on each. You do NOT have to take notes on the same presetantion topic you prepared.

Notes: Islamic Civilization and Culture

Topic 1 - Cities, Farming, and Trade
Topic 2 - Social Structures and Women's Roles
Topic 3 - Philosophy, Science and History
Topic 4 - Literature, Art, and Architecture

2) Turn in the following items:

- Both yellow study guides
- Both pink review crosswords
- five green notes sheets (including the one you downloaded above)

3) Schedule a time to take you test ASAP!
