Contact Mr. Ball

Friday, September 28, 2012

Current Event September

On Wednesday 26th, Sept. and Thursday 27th, Sept. we held our current event discussion for the month. If you were absent you will need to be sure to turn in your current event packet on your return.


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Physical Geography and Early Civiliziations of India

On Tuesday 25th, Sept. we looked at the rise of civilization in the Indus River Valley and the earliest empires of India. We also discussed how physical geography has a major impact on how and even if a civilization develops. The Indus River Valley civilization had all the six characteristics of a civilized society, but it had developed some traits that were unique to the world.

If you were absent,  you will need to read Chapter 3 Section1 of your text and complete the assessment at the end of that section only. You only have to complete questions 1-7. We then took some time to analyze the physical geography of India and China and how these features along with climate helped influence the development of civilization in these areas.The assignment can be completed by using your textbook and simply following the instructions.


Apology and Video

First, allow me to apologize. It just came to my attention that my posts have not been appearing. I have remedied the situation and you should now start seeing the posts. Please forgive me.

On Fridat 21st, Sept. we began our unit on Ancient India and China. We began by looking at a video called The Story of India: (Episode 2) The Power of Ideas. This video gave us a great introduction into some of the powerful ideas, people, and events of ancient India.

If you were absent you will need to write a 1 page typed report double spaced on the following topic to make up for the video: The Origins of Buddhism. Please discuss the person who founded Buddhism, why he did it and what impact Buddhism has had on the world.

Thank you

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

PLAN Test and Test Correction

On Wednesday 19th, Sept. we were on a very shortened day - only 30 mins! We spent the time correcting our test from last time and passing back work. There is no make up necessary.


Monday, September 17, 2012

Test on Unit One!

On Monday 17th, Sept. we spent the majority of the day taking our test on our unit about "Early Humans and Civilizations". We then corrected those tests today.

In addition to our test we took some time to correct our Evaluating the Timeline of the Ancient Middle East worksheet. We also turned in our three green note sheets and the review crossword as a review packet before we took the test.

If you were absent, you will need to arrange a time to come in before or after school to make up your test. You will also need to bring your three green note sheets and review crossword to turn in.


Review and Timeline Correction

On Thursday 13th, Sept. we spent the first part of class correcting our timelines. Then we took some time to evaluate those time lines by looking at cause and effect and change over time and discussing these things. We then spent the remaining 20-25 mins reviewing for our quiz on Chaps. 1 & 2 for next time.

Students were informed that on test days they need to come with a reading book in case they finish early and to take care of any personal business before they come. There are no hall passes during a test, except for obvious and immediate emergencies.

If you were absent you will need to have your timeline ready to turn in when you return and have the evaluation worksheet completed. Also, the review crossword must be completed and you will need to turn in all of your green notes sheets for the unit.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Ancient History Timeline

Today Tuesday 11th, Septmeber we completed parts 2 and 3 of the assignment we worked on last time. We finished grading our date sheet from last time.

If you were absent, you will need to see me to get the timeline sheets I would like you to use. Sorry this is one of a handful of situations that I am not able to put the work on the blog.

IMPORTANT: We also passed out the study guide for our first test that will be Monday 17th, Sep.
Study Guide: Chapters 1 & 2 - Test


Friday, September 7, 2012

New Civilizations and Empires

On Friday 7th, Sept. we discussed the rise of new civilizations and empires. Our main point of the day is that civilizations advances through two primary ways: innovation and cultural diffusion. Innovation simply means the creation of something new from within the culture. Cultural diffusion refers to the process by which technology and ideas spread from one culture to another.

We then spent some time gathering dates from the various topics we have thus covered. The purpose of which is to create an illustrated timeline of the ancient Middle East. Once our timeline is completed, we will be able to visually analyze the progress of civilization over time.

If you were absent, you will need to print out the notes and worksheet. The notes you will need to copy from a friend in the class and then use your textbook to complete the assignment.

IMPORTANT: At this point only collect the dates. Do NOT complete steps 2 &3.

Thank you.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Ancient Sumeria and Egypt

On Wednesday 5th, Sept. we analyzed the development and contributions of the ancient Sumerians and Egyptians. We discussed their contribution to modern civilization and the structure of their societies, along with information on their religions, governments, and arts.

If you were absent, you will need to copy the notes from a friend or complete as much as you can by reading the book. Also, you will need to complete the worksheet on ancient Egypt.
