Contact Mr. Ball

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Research and Powerpoints (Part 2)

On Wed. 29th, Feb. and Thurs. 1st, Mar. we continued with our research and powerpoint projects.

If you were absent, please see the blog post for Mon. 27th, Feb and Tues. 28th, Feb. for a description of the assignment.

IMPORTANT: Powerpoints and Report due for presentation starting on the 7th of March!!!


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Research and Powerpoints

On Mon. 27th, Feb. and Tues. 28th, Feb. we spent our time in the media center collecting information on topics related to our next unit and began preparing a 1 page report and powerpoint on the topic.

If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

IMPORTANT: We will be working on this same project in class again on Wed. 29th, Feb. and Thurs. 1st, Mar. If you are not finished by this time in class, you will have to make arrangements to finish the project on your own.

1) Choose a topic from the list that you think will be interesting to prepare a report and powerpoint on. Be VERY careful to choose a topic from the appropriate class. World Civilizations topics are listed first and then US History topics.

List: History Topics for Presentation

2) The read the instructions carefully. You should read through the entire instructions first before you begin. Follow the instructions step by step and pay attention to EVERY detail.

Instructions: History Powerpoint Presentations

3) Follow this template in making your own powerpoint. You can download a copy of the template and use it to make yours by modifying what you need to.

Template: Powerpoint Presentations



Monday, February 27, 2012

Current Events Feb

On Thurs. 23rd, Feb. and Fri. 24th, Feb. we conducted our current events discussion. We talked about the events in Syria, the Quran burning in Afghanistan, the GOP race and Santorum's comments on Obama, Boys and Anorexia, and even the latest controversy involving insurance and birth control.

If you were not here you will need to turn in your curren tevent forms on your return.


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

TEST: The Middle Ages and the Renaissance

On Tues. 21st, Feb and Wed. 22nd, Feb. we took our test on the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.

If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Turn in your assignment from last time, THE SPREAD OF PROTESTANTISM.

2) Turn in your notes packet. You should have a total of five notes sheets.

3) Plan a day to come in and make up the test. you have a two week period and then you will receive a 0 if you do not make it up.


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Reformation and Test REVIEW

On Thurs. 16th, Feb. and Fri. 17th, Feb. we discussed the Protestant Reformation and the spread of Protestantism throughout Europe. We also handed out your study review for the test on Tue.Wed. of next week.

If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed.

1) Read Chapter 12 Section 3 of your text and fill in your notes sheet:

Notes: The Reformation Chapter 12 Section 3

2) Read Chapter 12 Section 4 of your text and complete the assignment, THE SPREAD OF PROTESTANTISM:

Assignment: The Spread of Protestantism

3) Download the study guide and prepare for your test next Tues. for A day or Wed. for B Day.

Study Guide: The Middle Ages, Renaissance, and Reformation


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Renaissance and Michelangelo

On Tues. 14th, Feb. and Wed. 15th, Feb. we discussed the Renaissance and its characteristics. We looked specifically at Michelangelo as a representative of the Renaissance and his life/accomplishments.

If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed.

1) Turn in your assignment from last time: THE HUNDRED YEARS' WAR AND POLITICAL STABILITY.

2) Read Chapter 12 Sections 1 & 2 of your text and fill in the notes sheet.

Notes: The Renaissance

3) Write a one page report typed double spaced (two pages hand written) on Michelangelo. Your paper should answer the following questions:

- Who was Michelangelo and what were some details from his life?
- What did Michelangelo do that exemplified the spirit of the Renaissance?
- What are some of the works he is most famous for?
- How did Michelangelo help develop and influence Western culture as we know it today?
- Why is it important to know Michelangelo?


The Great Schism and Hundred Years' War

On Fri. 10th, Feb and Mon. 13th, Feb we looked at and discussed the Great Schism and the Hundred Years' War.

If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed.

1) Read Chapter 10 Sec 4 of your text and fill in the note sheet. If there are notes you can not find, you may copy them from a friend.

Notes: The Late Middle Ages Chapter 10 Sec 4

2) You will also need to finish the assignment by reading Chapter 10 Sec 4.

Assignment: The Hundred Years' War and Political Stability


Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Black Death

On Wed. 8th, Feb & Thurs. 9th, Feb. we discussed the Black Death. We spent the majority of the class watching a video and intermittently breaking to discuss the things we were seeing and learning.

If were absent (which is too bad because the video was VERY engaging), you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Turn in your assignment from last time UNIVERSITIES AND VERNACULAR LITERATURE.

2) Read Chapter 10 Sec 4 and fill in the notes sheet. For any notes you can not find you may copy from a friend, or you can sumamrize what you learn on another piece of paper.

Notes: The Late Middle Ages

3) Write a 2 page report (double spaced, typed) on the Black Death of the Middle Ages. Be sure to answer the following questions in your report:

- How did the plague start?
- Why did it spread so rapidly?
- What caused the disease?
- How did it specifically effect the human body?
- How did people of the Middle Ages react to what was happening?
- How did the disease affect the society, culture, economy, etc. of the Middle Ages?
- What were the lasting impacts of the Black Death?


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Middle Ages Culture & Gothic Cathedrals

On Mon. 6th, Feb. and Tues. 7th, Feb. we discussed the culture of the Middle Ages and one of the greatest cultural achievements of that time - the Gothic Cathedral.

If you were not here, you will need to do the following in order to make up what you missed:

1) Turn in your packet on debating The Separation of Church and State. You should have the following papers:
- The worksheet that you answered questions after reading the two articles (Jan 31 & Feb 1)
- and the debate presentation you made (Feb 2 & 3)

2) You will need to write a one page report on Gothic Cathedrals. You will need to do your own research but your report must answer the following questions/topics:
- What was the purposes of cathedrals? Why did the people of the Middle Ages build such elaborate places of worship?
- What is the difference between a Romanesque cathedral and a Gothic cathedral?
- Describe the architecture, style, artistic elements of the Gothic cathedral? (windows, stained glass, flying buttresses, gargoyles, etc.)

3) You will also need to complete the following 10 questions by using your textbook:

Assignment: Universitites and Vernacular Literature

You should have these three things on your return. Thanks.

Friday, February 3, 2012


On Thurs. 2nd, Feb. and Fri. 3rd, Feb. we discussed the importance of debate as a technique to express ourselves and as a tool for reflection and learning. We started by discussing what debate is and how it is used. We then discussed the SPAR debate technique. We practiced with several topics before we turned to the main topic at hand: the separation of church and state.

If you were absent, you will unfortunately miss the actual debate process; however, you can download the SPAR format instruction sheet and become familiar with how it works. You will have to write an alternate assignment that includes some of the elements of debate.

Using the articles and response sheet for the articles from last time, you will need to write a minimum 1 page paper that presents both sides of the argument that church and state should be separate. You will need to include the following elements:

1) Begin you paper by introducing the topic and why it is a point of debate.
2) Provide four arguments FOR keeping church and state separate
- One argument must be from the article you read
- One argument must include a fact or situation you learned from the notesheet
- Two arguments are your own, but you can use any source
3) Provide four arguments AGAINST keeping church and state separate, with the same requirements on the reasons.
4) Finish your paper with what you believe.

Please have this ready for next time.
