Contact Mr. Ball

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Creation of an Arab Empire

On Friday 22nd, Nov. and Monday 25th, Nov. we continued our look at the beginnings of Islamic civilization. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Watch the following video from the 19:00 minute mark to the end and write a 1 page summary on what you learned:

Video: Islam - Empire of Faith

2) Read the first part of Chap 6 Section 2 - pages 192-194 and complete the assignment.

Assignment: The Creation of an Arab Empire


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Culture Contact Day

On Wednesday 20th, Nov. and Thursday 21st, Nov. we spent the entire class period enjoy the cultures of India and China. We ate food, listened to music and watched several presentations on the cultures of these countries. If you were absent, there is nothing to make up; however, you will need to turn your presentation in on your return. You will NOT be able to do the food presentation.

If you have questions, please come see me.


Monday, November 18, 2013

Test and Intro to Islamic Civilization

On Monday 18th, Nov. and Tuesday 19th, Nov. we took our test on ancient China and India. We then began our into to Islamic Civilizations. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Schedule a time to come in and take your test.

2) Turn in your review crossword and assignment from last time.

3) Watch the following video clip and on a piece of paper write the following questions. Write a 1/3 page summary on each based on what you learn from the video. You should have a total 1 page sumamry when all is finished:

What kind of man was Muhammad and who was he?
What was Bedouin (Arabic) culture and society like before Islam came?
What were some of the new teaching brought by Islam or things Islam changed?

Video: Islam - Empire of Faith (Part 1) 


Friday, November 15, 2013

Test Review

On Thursday 14th, Nov. and Friday 15th, Nov. we reviewed for our test on Ancient China and India. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) If you are an A Day student, turn in your Venn Diagram from last time.

2) Use the study guide to prepare for your test and to complete the Review Crossword.

Study Guide: Ancient India and China

Review Crossword: Ancient India and China (Use just the first page. DO NOT CHEAT AND USE THE KEY)


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Shang, Zhou, and Qin Dynasties

on Wednesday 13th, Nov. we wrapped our look at India and China with a discussion of the Shang, Zhou, and Qin dynasties. We also corrected our assignment from last time and then completed one last assignment. Next time we will review and take the quiz on the same day. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Turn in your assignment on Chinese Philosophies from last time.

2) Read pages 86-90 The Shang & Zhou Dynasties and pages 94-96 The Qin Dynasty and complete the following notes sheet to the best of your ability.

Notes: Early Chinese Dynasties

3) On a large blank piece of paper (I have these, if you cannot get your own.) create a large Venn Diagram and label one circle Ancient India and the other Ancient China. In each of the three sections of your venn diagram list 10 items that make these civilizations different and the same. So in the section that is just India list 10 things that are unique or different about India that you have learned. Do the same for the section that is just China, but list those things for China of course. In the middle, overlapping section list 10 things that are the same about both civilizations. Remember, to consider religion, culture, philosophy, rules, events, achievements, beliefs, etc.

If you need further help, please come see me.


Friday, November 8, 2013

Early Chinese Dynasties

On Friday 8th, Nov. and Monday 11th, Nov. we began looking at the early Chinese dynasties. We watched a video that covered the Shang and Zhou dynasties and then took some notes on those dynasties. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Watch the video clip and write a 3/4 page summary of what you learned.

Video: Lost Civilizations - China (Part 1)
Video: Lost Civilizations - China (Part 2)

The notes can be learned by reading the text (see pages below). . 

IMPORTANT: Please read pages 86-90 for the notes.


Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Absences for Monday 4th, Nov. - Thursday 7th, Nov.

(If you are in 8th period and missed Monday, please read Chapter 3 Section 1 and complete the assessment on page 75. Do NOT do questions #2 or #9. If you are another student from another period, please see below.)

If you were absent for any of the days listed in this post's title, please come see me for your makeup work. There were changes to the schedule and other issues which making posting to the blog for these days difficult and confusing for many.

You will still get everything you need, but each class was different and did not follow the same order. Therefore, I will help you on an individual basis.
