Contact Mr. Ball

Friday, December 19, 2014

Have a Good Break

On Friday 19th, Dec. we were absolutely decimated by the school sponsored movie and the beginning of break. If you were absent, there is not much to make up:

1) Turn in your notes and write up on Michelangelo from two class periods ago.

2) Have a great break.

3) See you January 5th.


Life in the Renaissance and Beginnings of the Reformation

On Wednseday 17th, Dec. we took notes on the Reformation and then completed a small assignment on the spread of Protestantism. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Using your textbook, read pages 400-403 and then 409-411 and then complete the following worksheet.

Worksheet: Life and Changes in the Renaissance

2) Read Chapter 12 Section 3 of your text and complete the following notes.
Notes: Chapter 12 Sec 3 - Reformation

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Michelangelo and Art of the Renaissance

On Monday 15th, December we focused our efforts on understanding the main people of the Renaissance and especially Michelangelo. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Turn in your assignment from last time. This was the chart with the important people of the Renaissance.

 2) Watch the following first 30 minutes of the video and complete the listening log and summary on the back:

Video: Michelangelo - Artist and Man
Listening Log: Michelangelo - Artist and Man

3) Look at the following lists of works/artists and then the visual list of works. You need to be able to match the correct name/artist to the work. (You might find it easier to Google the name of the work and look for the image in the results. ) Next time, we will be taking a small quiz and you will need to be able to sight identify these works.

List of Works and their Artists  (They are not in the same order as on the visual list. This means you'll have to study!)

Visual List of Important Works/Artists


Friday, December 12, 2014

Beginnings of the European Renaissance

On Thursday 11th, Dec. we graded our midterm and then began our look at the Renaissance with some notes and a chart. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Read Chapter 12 Sections 1 and 2 and fill in the notes to the best of your ability. For notes you can not find, you may copy from a friend.

Notes: The Renaissance

3) Complete the following chart by locating and identifying each of the people listed. You will find these people by reading Chapter 12 Sections 1 and 2 of your text. Most are bolded and highlighted so they are easy to find. Be sure to read the WHOLE sections so you get all the information.

Assignment: Important People of the Renaissance


Tuesday, December 9, 2014

TEST: Midterm Chapters 3, 6 & 8

On Tuesday 9th, Dec. we took about 10-15 minutes looking over our review packets and notes and then took our midterm test. If you were absent, you will need to do the following in order to make up what you missed:

1) If you have not already done so, please turn in your assignment titled India After the Guptas.

2) Turn in your review packet which should consist of:
- 5 green notes sheets
- 3 yellow study guides.

3) Schedule a time before 3:00p Tuesday 15th, Dec. to make up your test.

Thank you.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Suicide Prevention & Test Review

On Friday 5th, Dec. we had the counselors with us for Suicide Prevention strategies. We then went over our study guides and made sure everyone had their notes. If you were absent, you will need to do the following:

You should have already received the following:

- 3 yellow study guides (one for Chapter 3, one for Chapter 6, and  one for Chapter 8)
- 5 green notes sheets

Please review and study these for your test next time. If you are missing any of these, please go through the previous posts and download what you are missing. Alternatively, you may come to me and get what you need.


Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Early Japan & India After the Guptas

OnW ednesday 3rd, Dec. we looked at early Japan and then completed a small assignment on India after the Guptas. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Turn in your assignment from last time, Jigsaw Activity Packet - China and the Mongols.

2) Read Chapter 8 Section 3 of your text Early Japan and complete the notes to the best of your ability. If you can not find notes, you may copy from a friend but you MUST read the section to understand the context.

Notes: Early Japan - Chapter 8 Section 3

3) Watch the following video clip and write a 1/2 page summary answering EACH of the following set of questions:

- How did Europeans and Japanese view each other after their initial contact? How did the Europeans describe the Japanese?

- What was life like for a samurai? How did they train and how did they maintain their honor?

Video: Way of the Samurai Watch only the first 23 minutes!!!

4) Complete the following assignment by reading Chapter 8 Section 4

Worksheet: India After the Guptas


Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Finishing China and the Mongols

On Monday 1st, Dec. we finished our jigsaw activity and spent the rest of the period teaching and discussing the two sections we covered. If you were absent, you will need to complete the entire packet on your own. You can download the assignment from the link in the previous post.

Thank you.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Back to Ancient China

On Monday 24th, Nov. we left the Islamic civilizations and returned to ancient China. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Please turn in your assignment from last time on Islamic Culture. Most of you will have a worksheet that was created by a classmate or, if you were absent last time, you will have to do the alternate assignment which is found in the previous post.

2) Please read pages 98-99 of your text about the Han Dynasty and create an outline of the information you learn. Your outline should begin with the title Han Dynasty Outline and then be divided into three sections:

- Political and Social Structures
- Technology and Culture
- The Fall of the Han Empire

For each of the three sections of your outline (by the way these match the blue headings in your book) you should identify t least five main points and include them in your outline.

3) Then download the following packet and choose one of the sections to complete. Please follow the instructions and do only ONE of the sections EITHER Chap 8 Section 1 or Chap 8 Section 2!!! If you do both, you will do more work than is expected.

Assignment: Jigsaw Activity China


Thursday, November 20, 2014

The Abbasids and Islamic Culture

On Thursday 20th, Nov. we looked at the Abbasid Dynasty and Islamic culture. We also passed out a study guide for Chapter 6. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Turn in your assignments from last time, Video Notes with the substitute and the worksheet Islamic Civilizations.

2) Download and study the study guide for Chapter 6. This is NOT an assignment but simply a study tool to help you get ready for your test.

Study Guide Chapter 6 Islamic Civilization

3) Read the remainder of Chap 6 Sec 2 and fill in the notes sheet. It is important for you to read the section so you understand the main ideas; however, you may copy notes from a friend, for any notes you can not find.

Notes: The Abbasids and Seljuk Turks

4) Read Chapter 6 Section 4  and complete the assessment at the end of section on page 207. You must do the ENTIRE assessment except question #8.


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Substitute Work Tuesday 18th, Nov

On Tuesday 18th, Nov. there was a substitute. Please come see me for the make up.


Friday, November 14, 2014

Connecting to Culture and Current Events

On Friday 14th, Nov. we spent the day connecting what we have learned about Islamic civilization to culture and current events. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Turn in your assignment from last time, The Creation of an Arab Empire.

2) Do some independent research on the group ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) and answers the following questions:

- Who are they?
- Where are they located?
- What is their agenda and what are some major recent events connected to this group?
- What are relations between this group and the US?

3) 3) Read the story of Ali Cogia and then complete the worksheet questions when you are finished.

Story of Ali Cogia, Merchant of Baghdad

Worksheet: Story of Ali Cogia

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The Creation of an Arab Empire

On Wednesday 12th, Nov. we continued our look at the beginnings of Islam, Muhammad, and the beginnings of an Arab empire. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Continue watching the video, Islam: Empire of Faith and take sufficient notes to answer the following questions:

- What did Muhammad teach and believe?
- What is the Qur'an and why is it so special to Muslims?
- What is the Islamic view of God?


Video: Islam - Empire of Faith (Part 2)

2) Read the first part of Chap 6 Section 2 - pages 192-194 and complete the assignment.

Assignment: The Creation of an Arab Empire


Monday, November 10, 2014

Intro to Islamic Civilization

On Monday 10th, Oct. we corrected our assignment on Chinese philosophies and then did a small review on what we have learned about China and India. We then began our study of Islamic civilization. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Turn in your assignments from last time, Chinese Philosophies and the Impact of Physical Geography: China.

2) See me for a study guide and to remind me to excuse you from the pop quiz.

3) Watch the following video clip and on a piece of paper write the following questions. Write a 1/3 page summary on each based on what you learn from the video. You should have a total 1 page summary when all is finished:

What kind of man was Muhammad and who was he?
What was Bedouin (Arabic) culture and society like before Islam came?
What were some of the new teaching brought by Islam or things Islam changed?

Video: Islam - Empire of Faith (Part 1) 


Thursday, November 6, 2014

Early Chinese Dynasties

On Thursday 6th, Nov. we began our study of the early Chinese dynasties. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Turn in your assignments from last time, Video Notes: Chandragupta Maurya & Asoka and the homework assignment, Early Empires in India.

2) Read pages 86-90 for the Shang and Zhou dynasties and then pages 94-96 for the Qin dynasty. Complete the notes below, you may copy from a friend for notes you can not find. You MUST, however, read the pages so you have all the information.

Notes: Early Chinese Dynasties

3) Complete the following assignment.

Assignment: Chinese Philosophies


Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Beginnings of Indian Empire

On Tuesday 4th, Nov. we spent the day going over Indian religions (reviewing Buddhism from last time and then talking about Hinduism this time). We then graded our assignment from last time and then spent the remainder of the class learning about the impact of the following three great rulers: Alexander the Great, Chandragupta Maurya, and Asoka. If you were absent you will need to do the following:

1) Copy the notes on Hinduism from a friend. We only completed section 1 of the notes on Hinduism.

Notes: Religions of India - Hinduism and Buddhism

2) Turn in your assignment from last time, India and China: The Impact of Physical Geography.

3) Watch the following video clip and write a paragraph summary on each of the following men describing who they were, what they accomplished, and the impact they had on India. Each paragraph should be a minimum of 5-7 sentences.

- Alexander the Great
- Chandragupta Maurya
- Asoka

Watch from the 24:45 min mark until 51:00 min.
Video: Story of India - The Power of Ideas

4) Complete the following assignment using your textbook.

Assignment: New Empires in India


Thursday, October 30, 2014

Introduction to Ancient India and China

On Thursday 30th, Oct. we began our look at the civilizations of ancient India and China. We had a class discussion, watched a small video clip and then completed a book assignment. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Check you Skyward and let me know IMMEDIATELY if there are any questions or concerns. The grade you see is your FINAL grade for first quarter.

2) On a piece of paper answer the following questions with details and honestly:

- What is happiness?
- How does one find happiness or receive more of it?
- How are others a part of our happiness, if at all?
- What determines a person's social class?
- What social class do you consider yourself, why, and is it changeable either upward or downward?

3) Watch the small video clip from YouTube and write three questions that a student should be able to answer. Make sure they are questions that require a 2-3 sentence answer. Then write a 1/2 page summary of how this video is connected to the questions you answered above.

Video Clip: The Story of India

4) Complete the following assignment using your textbook. Follow the instructions on the worksheet:

Worksheet: India and China - The Impact of Physical


Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Book Report Presentations

On Tuesday 28th Oct. we spent the entire class period listening to presentations. If you were absent, there is nothing specific to make up. However please keep in mind the following:



Thursday, October 23, 2014

First Quarter Final Test

On Friday 24th, Oct. we took our final test for first quarter. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Turn in your yellow study guides, pink review crossword, and green notes sheets.

2) Turn in your notes from last time, The Black Death.

3) Schedule a time to make up the test by Wednesday 29th, Oct. 3:00pm!


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Test Review

On Wednesday 22nd, Oct. we went over our notes from the Black Death video from last time. We then went through and made sure we had all our notes from the last unit and then spent the remainder of the class reviewing for our test. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Turn in your notes from the video from last time.

2) Collect all your green notes sheet to turn in next time. You should have a total of 8 pages of green notes. If you are missing any come see me ASAP!!

3) Download the following study guides and vocabulary review crosswords and complete the crosswords. There is a study guide and crossword for Rome and one for the Middle Ages. The vocabulary words in Part 1 of each study guide are the answers to that respective crossword.

Study Guide: Ancient Rome
Review Crossword: Ancient Rome (Download the first page only, be honest! The other pages are junk or will not help you. Sorry I am having issues with PDF.)

Study Guide: Middle Ages
Review Crossword: Middle Ages (Download the first page only, be honest! The other pages are junk or will not help you. Sorry I am having issues with PDF.)

Monday, October 20, 2014

Christianity in the Middle Ages & the Black Death

On Monday 20th, Oct. we looked more at the church of the Middle Ages and how it came to be almost the absolute power in Europe. We then discussed the great tragedy of the Black Death. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Read Chapter 10 Section 2 of your textbook and complete the notes sheet.

Notes: Medieval Christianity.

 2) Watch the following video segments on the Black Death and write a 1 page summary on:
- What caused it?
- How did people respond to it?
- What were their explanations for it?
- How did it impact Europe and the population?

Video: The Plague (Part 3) start at the 2:00 min mark of this segment!
Video: The Plague (Part 4)
Video: The Plague (Part 5)
Video: The Plague (Part 6)
Video: The Plague (Part 7)

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Middle Ages & The Byzantine Empire

On Tuesday 14th, October we spent the day studying about life in the Middle Ages and the role of the Roman Catholic Church in medieval society. We then completed a worksheet on the Byzantine Empire and the Crusades. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Read Chapter 10 Sec 1 (Only the red headings The New Agriculture and The Manorial System) and Chapter 9 Sec 1 (only the red heading The Role of the Church) and complete the following notes. You may copy from a friend for notes you can not find; however, you MUST read the sections so you have the information in context.

Notes: Chapter 10 Section 1 and Chapter 9 Section 1

2) Read Chapter 9 Section 4 of your text and complete the following assignment:

Assignment: Byzantine Empire and the Crusades


Friday, October 10, 2014

Transforming the Roman World & the Rise of European Kingdoms

On Friday 10th, Oct. we looked at Chapter 9 Secs. 1, 2 & 3. We took notes on Feudalism and then began making booklets about the rise of European Kingdoms. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Read Chapter 9 Ses. 1 & 2 on Transforming the Roman World and Feudalism and then fill in the notes.

Notes: Chap 9 Sec 1 - Transforming the Roman World
Notes: Chap 9 Sec 2 - Feudalism

2) Complete the following assignment by making a booklet about Chapter 9 Section 3 - The Growth of European Kingdoms. This assignment will be due next WED. 23RD, JANUARY!

Assignment: Making a History Booklet


Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Fall of the Roman Empire & Review Chapter 5

On Tuesday 7th, Oct. we looked at and discussed the fall of the Roman Empire by grading our assignment from last time. We then went through our four green note sheets for the unit and then spent the time revie If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:


2) Please read Chapter 5 Section 5 - Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire and complete the worksheet, if you have not done so already.

Assignment: Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire

3) Complete the following study guide by providing definitions and answers to the following terms and questions. Remember it is NOT necessary to write in complete sentences or paragraphs for the review guide. You just needs some notes that will help refresh your memory on what we learned!

Study Guide: Chapter 5 - Roman Empire


Friday, October 3, 2014

Roman Murals

On Friday 3rd, Oct. we reviewed the development of Christianity and its eventual spread throughout the Roman Empire. We then got our art on by creating murals in the Roman style. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

 1) Create a mural in the Roman style by following the instructions for the assignment. You will need a large piece of blank paper. You can provide this yourself or come see me to get one.

Assignment: Creating a Mural of Roman Life

2) Remember the assignment from last time, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire is due next time , Tuesday. The mural is actually due next Friday so you have a week to complete it.


Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Spread of Christianity & The Fall of the Roman Empire

On Wednesday 1st, Oct. we graded the assignments from the last time with the substitute. We then took notes on the spread of Christianity and then completed an assignment on the fall of the Roman Empire. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Turn in your assignment from last time, Roman Culture and Society.

2) Read Chapter 5 Section 4 - The Development of Christianity in your textbook and complete the notes to the best of your ability.

Notes: The Development of Christianity

3) Please read Chapter 5 Section - Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire and complete the worksheet.

Assignment: Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire


The Rise of the Roman Empire & Roman Culture and Society

On Monday 29th, Sept. I was not here and there was a substitute. The class took notes on the rise of the Roman Empire and then completed a worksheet on Roman culture and society. There was also a small video they watched. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Turn in your Cause and Effect assignment from last time.

2) Read Chapter 5 Section 2 from pages 156-159 and complete the notes as best you can.

Notes: Beginning of Roman Empire

3) Read Chapter 5 Section 3 - Roman Culture and Society and complete the following worksheet.

Assignment: Roman Culture and Society

4) You will not need to make up the video, but I need a note from you explaining you were absent for this video or I will forget.


Friday, September 26, 2014

From Republic to Empire & the Punic Wars

On Thursday 24th, Sept. we looked at cause and effect in Rome as it transitioned from a republic to an empire. We then took notes on the Punic Wars. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Read pages 152-155 of your textbook and complete the following assignment by reading the instructions.

Worksheet: Cause and Effect - The Fall of the Roman Republic

2) Then you will need to read an additional section of your book to cover the notes that were given. Please read the last portion of Chapter 5 Section 1 of your text about the Punic wars. Fill in the notes to the best of your ability.

Notes: Roman Expansion and the Punic Wars


Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Introduction to Rome: The Ultimate Empire

On Tuesday 23rd, Sept. We began our introduction into the Roman Empire with an assignment and a video. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Watch the following video clips and complete the listening log. You should watch each clip. Total is about 34 mins.

Listening Log: Rome the Ultimate Empire

Video Part 2: Rome the Ultimate Empire
Video Part 3: Rome the Ultimate Empire
Video Part 4: Rome the Ultimate Empire

2) Read pages 146-147 of your textbook and answer the following questions.

Assignment: The Land and Peoples of Italy


Monday, September 22, 2014

Alexander the Great and TEST

On Friday 19th, Sept On we completed our last discussion on the ancient Greeks. We looked at Alexander the Great and his legacy, we then took the test.

If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Read Chapter 4 Section 5 of your text and fill in the notes to the best of your ability. For each heading of the notes that matches up with the heading in the section, write down four major points to know.

Notes: Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic Era

2) Schedule a time to take your test. You have only until Friday 26th, Sept.!!

3) Turn in all your green notes sheets and review guide when you come to take the test.


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Classical Greece: City States, Culture, and Philosophy

On Tuesday 16th, Sept. There were notes given on the formation of the two most powerful city-states in Greece: Athens and Sparta. We also took notes on Greek philosophy. However, both notes sheets were shortened. We then did some reading about classical Greece and the war with Persia. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Please read Chapter 4 Sections 2 & 4 of your text and fill in the notes sheet as much as possible. (You may want to check with a friend because we did NOT do all the notes. However, if you were to read and learn all the material that wouldn't hurt you!)

Notes: The Greek City States
Notes: Greek Philosophy

 2) You then should read Chapter 4 Section 3 of your text and complete the worksheet.

Assignment: Classical Greece

3) I also passed out a study guide for the Greek portion of the test. This is NOT an assignment, but merely a guide for you to prepare for the midterm quiz.

Study Guide: Ancient Greece


Friday, September 12, 2014

Intro to the Ancient Greeks

On Friday 12th, Sept. we began studying ancient Greece. We started by viewing a video on the possibility that some of the myths we know may have been based in actual events, places, and people. We watched the video, took notes, and discussed what we learned. We then took some time to complete a book assignment about the impact of physical geography and the early civilizations of Greece.

If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed. Watch the video by clicking the link below and then taking 25 significant notes on what you learned or writing a 1 page summary of what you learned. IMPORTANT: You only need to watch the following minutes 1:00-13:00 and 20:00 - 32:00. Then you need to complete the following worksheet by reading pages 106-111 of your text book and answering the questions on the worksheet. IMPORTANT: You will need to come check out a book to do so.

Video: Aegean - Legacy of Atlantis

Worksheet: Early Civilizations in Greece (Pages 106-111)


Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Evaluating the Timeline and Midterm Review

On Wednesday 10th, Sept. we spent the time grading our timeline and date sheet from last time. We then took time to evaluate and think about the timeline we created, by analyzing it for examples of the main concepts we have been studying. After that we reviewed for our midterm by taking a practice quiz. IF you were not here, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Turn in your timeline and date sheet from last time, after you complete #2 below.

2) Use your date sheet and timeline to complete the following worksheet. You do NOT need to answer #13.

Worksheet:  Evaluating the Timeline

3) Download and work on the sample quiz. You do NOT need to answer in complete sentences. This quiz is a required assignment and will be due next Friday the 19th before our midterm.

Review Quiz: Chapters 1 and 2


Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Ancient History Timeline

On Monday 8th, Sept. we spent some time gathering dates from the various topics we have thus covered. The purpose of which is to create an illustrated timeline of the ancient Middle East. Once our timeline is completed, we will be able to visually analyze the progress of civilization over time. We then completed parts 2 and 3 of the assignment. Read the instructions carefully, you may print out pictures to illustrate your timeline instead of drawing pictures if you would like.

If you were absent, you will need to print out the worksheet then use your textbook to complete the assignment. You will also need to see me to get the timeline sheets I would like you to use or you can use 2 pieces of blank paper to make your own. 

Worksheet: Making a Timeline of the Ancient Middle East

You must also turn in your assignment from last time, Questions About the Assyrians and the Persians.

Thank you.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

New Civilizations and Empires

On Thursday 4th, Sept. we discussed the rise of new civilizations and empires. Our main point of the day is that civilizations advances through two primary ways: innovation and cultural diffusion. Innovation simply means the creation of something new from within the culture. Cultural diffusion refers to the process by which technology and ideas spread from one culture to another and are new ideas that come from outside of the culture.
If you were absent, you will need to print out the notes. The notes you will need to copy from a friend in the class and then use your textbook to complete the assignment. Because you do not have a textbook since today was textbook checkout day, you will need to come in before or after school or check a textbook out.
1) Please copy from a  friend the following notes.
2) You will need to read Chapter 2 Section 4 of your text and create 16 total questions (8 for the Assyrians and 8 for the Persians) that a person should be able to answer about these civilizations. Your questions should require an answer that is more than 1 or 2 words and relate directly to one of the six characteristics of civilizations (i.e., cities, government, art, writing, religion, and social structure) as applicable to the Assyrians or Persians.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The Sumerians and Egyptians

On Tuesday 2nd, Sept. we looked at two ancient civilizations: the Sumerians and Egyptians. We took notes on the Sumerians and then watched a video on the civilization of the Egyptians. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Copy the notes from a friend since you do not yet have your textbook:

Notes: Civilizations Begins in Mesopotamia

2) Watch the following video and prepare a 3/4 page summary about what you learned about ancient Egyptian culture. What did they do? How did they live? What did they believe?
You only need to watch the first 20 minutes!!!

Video: The Ten Greatest Discoveries of Ancient Egypt


Early Humans and the Characteristics of Civilizations

On Thursday 28th, Aug. we discussed the rise of humans and the development of civilizations. The information presented was presented as a theory that is generally accepted by anthropologists and archaeologists. We discussed the development of humans and how agriculture led to the beginnings of human civilization. Students took notes on this information and then we completed an assignment identifying the six characteristics of civilization and then compared those characteristics to modern American society.
If you were absent, please print out the following notes sheet and copy from a friend in class. You will also need to print out the Six Characteristics of Civilization; however, you will have to come in before or after school to complete the assignment or check out a textbook, because our electronic textbook is not yet available. 

If you have any issues, please come see me. Thanks.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Welcome to World Civilizations!

On Tuesday 26th, August we welcomed everyone to class, went over the disclosure and wrote a small introductory essay. If you were absent, you will need to get a copy of the disclosure from the link below. Please have a parent/guardian sign it and return by Thursday 4th, September. Have your essay completed and ready to turn in by that same date. Thank you!

1) Class Disclosure

2) For the introductory essay, please write a 1 page essay that answers the following prompt:
    When I think of history, I think of . . .   because . . .

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Wrapping it Up

On Friday 30th, May and Monday 3rd, June we corrected our test, did an end of year class evaluation and finished up the administrative things. If you were absent, please check Skyward and make sure everything is good. Come see me if you have any questions or concerns.


Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Review and Test - WWI & WWII

IMPORTANT: Being absent today does NOT excuse you from the test!!! Be sure to read the following post carefully and comply with its instructions!

On Wednesday 28th, May and Thursday 29th, May we reviewed for our test and took test same day. If you were absent, you may download the study guide and review crossword and prepare yourself for the test. Be sure to include the crossword with your four notes sheets as well in your review packet.

Then you will need to bring your review packet and schedule a time to make up the test by Thursday 5th June at the very latest!!

Study Guide: The World Wars

Review Crossword


Friday, May 23, 2014

WWII in a Day

On Friday 23, May and Tuesday 27th, May we studied WWII in a day. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) You need to read the WWII in Europe packet (Which unfortunately I was unable to upload to this blog) and complete the questions that go with that packet. You will need to pick the packet up in class on your return. From the packet you need to write a 1 page summary that answers the following questions:

1) What did Hitler do after becoming leader of Germany?
2) What is appeasement and why did it fail to prevent WWII?
3) How did the League of Nations fail to prevent WWII?
4) How did WWII compare to WWI?

IMPORTANT: If you are unable to wait, email me ASAP at and we will work out an alternative!

2) Copy the following notes from a friend as they are not in your book.

War in the Pacific

3) We talked about the Battles of Iwo Jima and Okinawa and their importance. Please research on your own each battle and explain the importance of the battle, who won, and why it was fought in 1/2 page summary for EACH battle. Include casualty statistics and any other interesting facts.


Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Book Report Presentations

On Wednesday 21st, May and Thursday 22nd, May we enjoyed our book report presentations and took notes on them. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Turn in your assignment from last time, Analyzing the Treaty of Versailles.

2) You do NOT need to make up presentation notes; however, you will need to turn in your book report on your return.


Monday, May 19, 2014

The End of WWI and The Treaty of Versailles

On Monday 19th, May and Tuesday 20th, May we looked at the end of WWI and the Treaty of Versailles. We discussed how the US wanted to implement the Fourteen Points, but France and others wanted something different. We then watched a small clip on the Somme. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up:

1) Please copy the notes from a friend. The notes are not in your textbook.

Notes: Peace Without Victory

2) You will need to do one of the following:

(BEST OPTION) Come in after school and spend about 20 minutes doing the assignment on the Treaty of Versailles. You can pick up the assignment when you come in.


(GOOD OPTION) Write a 1 page report on the Treaty of Versailles. What were the terms and how did it affect Germany? What did the Germans have to do to meet the demands of this treaty?

3) Complete a 1 page report on the Battle of the Somme. When was it? What happened? Who won?


Thursday, May 15, 2014

World War I & the Russian Revolution

On Thursday 15th, May and Friday 16th, May we looked specifically at WWI and the course of the overall war. We also looked at the Russian Revolution. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Read Chap 23 Section 2 and complete the following assignment:

Assignment: World War I

2) Read Chapter 23 Section 3 (best option) or copy from a friend (not best option) and complete the notes:

Notes: The Russian Revolution


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Road to WWI and the Weapons of WWI

On Tuesday 13th, May and Wednesday 14th, May we began our last unit on the World Wars. We first discussed the causes, participants, and changes of WWI. Then we watched a film about the weapons of the war. If you were absent,  you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Read Chapter 23 Section 1 and complete the following worksheet.

Worksheet: Road to WWI

2) Unfortunately, the documentary we watched will not upload to the blog. Therefore you will need to do a little research on your own and answer the following questions in a 1 page summary:

- Which new weapons/ tactics were introduced during WWI (e.g., tanks, airplanes, poison gas, trench warfare, machine guns, flamethrowers, etc.)?
- Describe these weapons. How did they work, what problems or benefits did they have, how were they used?
- How did these new weapons/tactics affect the soldiers and the fighting of WWI?
- What advantages/disadvantages did these weapons/tactics provide for the armies using them?


Friday, May 9, 2014

TEST: French Revolution, Industrial Revolution, and Nationalism

On Friday 9th, May and Monday 12th, May we took our test on chapters 18 & 19. If you missed, you have two weeks to schedule a time for make up. Please come see ASAP.  You also need to turn in your Chapter 19 Section 3 packet and the review packet.


Thursday, May 8, 2014

Chap 19 Section 3 Correction and Test Review

On Wednesday 7th, May and Thursday 8th, May we corrected our Chapter 19 Section 3 packet on National Unification and Nationalism. We then spent the remainder of the day studying for our test next time. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Turn in your Chap 19 Sec 3 packet that you received two times ago.

2) Use the study guide to review for your test and to complete the review crossword.

Study Guide: Chaps 18 and 19 (plus American Revolution Chap 17 Section 4)

Review Crossword


Monday, May 5, 2014

IR Presentation and Reaction and Revolution

On Monday 5th, May and Tuesday 6th, May we enjoyed watching several presentations on the Industrial Revolution and then we discussed the reactions and revolutions that occurred after Napoleon's defeat. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Get together with your group and make sure you have given them what they need for their book. Or, if you were part of a skit, you will now need to do an alternative assignment to make up what you missed. You will need to take the skit you created and turn it into story book form. Follow the instructions on the story book/skit paper you were given, but your story should be between 2-4 pages only.

2) Read Chapter 19 Section 2 - Reaction and Revolution and complete the following notes.

Notes: Chapter 19 Section 2 Reaction and Revolution


Skit Prep and Chapter 19 Sec 3

On Thursday 1st, May and Friday 2nd, May we continued to prep for our Industrial Revolution presentations and then worked on an assignment on Nationalism and National Unification. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Contact the people in your group and make sure you know what your part of the presentation is and make sure you are prepared for Monday or Tuesday of next week.

2) Read Chap 19 Sec 3 and complete the following assignment.

Packet: Chap 19 Sec 3 - National Unification and Nationalism


Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Skit and Book Preparation

On Tuesday 29th, Apr. and Wednesday 30th, Apr. we worked on our books and skits for the Industrial Revolution. Every person choose a group of up to four people and then began work on the project. If you were absent today and already have a group, you will resume working in your group next time.

If you were absent and did not already have a group, you have TWO OPTIONS. You need to see me so we can integrate you into a group next time. Or if you did not have a group you may work on this project alone.

This is the assignment sheet again if you need it.

Project Instructions: Industrial Revolution Skits or Books


Friday, April 25, 2014

The Conditions of the Workers in the Industrial Revolution

On Friday 25th, Apr. and Monday 28th, Apr. we looked specifically at the conditions of the working poor during the Industrial Revolution. We looked at some first hand accounts and paintings from the period. We also read a small excerpt of the Communist Manifesto which was an essay written about the conditions of the poor and how they should be 'fixed'.

If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Complete the packet Conditions of the Working Class During the Industrial Revolution using your textbook. In order to complete Source 6, you will need to read the excerpt from the Communist Manifesto.

Assignment: Conditions of the Working Class

Reading Excerpt: Communist Manifesto (The Classless Society)

2) We also began work on a group project. We will incorporate you into this project on your return. If you have a friend in the class and can contact them, you might be able to go ahead and get started on your part before you return.

Assignment: Industrial Revolution Skits and Books


Thursday, April 24, 2014

The Industrial Revolution

On Wednesday 23rd, Apr. and Thursday 24th, Apr. we began our study of the Industrial Revolution. We took notes on the causes and effects of this revolution and then began looking at conditions of the working class. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Read Chapter 19 Section 1 (pages 614-621)and complete the following worksheet (which was given as notes):

Assignment: The Industrial Revolution Chapter 19 Section 1

2) Complete the packet Conditions of the Working Class During the Industrial Revolution using your textbook. In order to complete Source 6, you will need to read the excerpt from the Communist Manifesto.

Assignment: Conditions of the Working Class

Reading Excerpt: Communist Manifesto (The Classless Society)

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Reign of Terror and Age of Napoleon

On Wednesday 16th, Apr. and Tuesday 22nd, Apr. we looked at the Reign of Terror and began discussing Napoleon and his impact after the French Revolution. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Read Chap 18 Sec 2 Radical Revolution and Reaction and complete the notes sheets.

Notes: Radical Revolution

2) read Chapter 18 Section 3 Age of Napoleon and complete the assignment:

Assignment: Age of Napoleon


Monday, April 14, 2014

April 10th-11th & April 14th-15th


On Thursday 10th, Apr. and Friday 11th Apr. we began our study of the French Revolution. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Read Chapter 18 Section 1 of your text and complete the following worksheet:

Worksheet - The French Revolution Begins


On Monday 14th, Apr. and Tuesday 15th, Apr. we discussed the American and French Revolutions and then compared and contrasted them using a Venn diagram. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Turn in your assignment from last time, The French Revolution Begins.

2) Read Chapter 17 Section 4 - The American Revolution and complete the assessment at the end of the section. You do not need to complete question #8.

3) Creating a Venn diagram (two partially overlapping circles, so there are three sections). Label one circle the American Revolution and the other the French Revolution. The place where the circles overlap label Both. Using what you learned last time about the French Revolution and this time about the American one, list 5 things in each section. Five things that make each revolution unique and then five in the Both section for things they had in common.


Tuesday, April 8, 2014

TEST: Absolutism, Enlightenment, and the Scientific Revolution

On Tuesday 8th, Apr. and Wednesday 9th, Apr. we took our test for the last unit. IF you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Turn in your review and notes packet.

2) Schedule a time to come in and take your test (preferably after school). You have two weeks to make this test up. If you do not come in within that time frame, you are not allowed to take it.


Friday, April 4, 2014

The American Revolution and TEST REVIEW

On Friday 4th, Apr. and Monday 7th, Apr. we finished our unit on Absolutism and Revolution. We discussed the American Revolution and its connection to all that we have discussed. We then reviewed for our test. IF you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Turn in your assignment from last time, The Impact of the Enlightenment.

2) Read Chapter 17 Section 4 and complete the assessment at the end of the section. You DO NOT need to answer question #8 of the review.

3) Go over the study guide and complete the crossword review.

Study Guide: Chapters 14 and 17

Review Crossword Chapters 14 and 17


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The Enlightenment

On Wednesday 2nd, Apr. and Thursday 3rd, Apr. we discussed the Enlightenment and its impact on Europe and the world. If you were not here, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Turn in your assignment from last time, Scientific Advancement chart.

2) Read Chapter 17 Sections 2 and 3 and complete the notes for section 2 and the assignment for section 3.

Notes: The Enlightenment Chap 17 Sec 2

Assignment: The Impact of the Enlightenment Chap 17 Sec 3


Friday, March 28, 2014

The Scientific Revolution

On Friday 28th, Mar. and Tuesday 1st, Apr. we looked at the Scientific Revolution. We watched a small video, took notes, and then completed an assignment on scientific and technological change in our daily lives. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Turn in your city building project from last time.

2) Read Chapter 17 Section 1 of your textbook and view the following powerpoint and complete the following notes.

Notes: Scientific Revolution

Powerpoint: The Scientific Revolution

3) Watch the following video and write a 1/2 page summary on the back of your notes about the differences now to what you just read.

Video: Did You Know?

4) Complete the following assignment by reading the instructions. Remember the last column needs a parent or another adult to complete.

Assignment: Scientific Advancement Through the Ages


City Building (Part 2) And the Culture of Europe

On Wednesday 26th, Mar. & Thursday 27th, Mar. we spent time looking at European culture of the time and then spent the remainder of the class working on our city building projects. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) View the following powerpoint and Read Chapter 14 Sec 4 and complete the following notes:

Powerpoint: The World of European Culture

Notes: The World of European Culture

2) Continue working on your city building project. If you were here last time, you should know your jobs. If you were absent last time as well, you will need to come see me and I will give you an alternate assignment.


Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Absolutism and Building a City

On Monday 24th, Mar. and Tuesday 25th, Mar. we discussed the response of European nations to the crises of the 1500s and 1600s. We focused on Louis XIV and Peter the Great and especially Peter's emphasis on modernizing Russia. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Read Chapter 14 Section 3 of your text and complete the notes sheet. As an alternative you can read the section and complete questions 1 - 7 of the assessment at the end.

Notes: Response to Crisis

2)  Download the following assignment and answer the questions as if you were an absolute ruler that had the opportunity to create his or her own city. This assignment is an extension of what we talked about with Peter the Great. You will have the option of creating this city (preferable) or integrating into a city on your return.

Assignment: Creating Your Own City


Thursday, March 20, 2014

Book Reports and Grade Printouts

On Thursday 20th, Mar. and Friday 21st, Mar. we enjoyed our 3rd Quarter Book Reports and then spent the remainder of the class passing back work and discussing 3Q grades. If you were absent, you do NOT need to make up the notes; however, you do need check Skyward and make sure everything looks good. If you have any questions, please come see me.

IMPORTANT: Please make sure that you send me an electronic copy of your report and make sure you bring in a hard copy of that report. If you were supposed to present, you must come see me so we can discuss what we need to do as an alternate.


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Wars of Religion and Discrimination

On Tuesday 18th, Mar. and Wednesday 19th, Mar. we corrected our assignment from last time and then talked about the connection between what was happening in the 1500s to what goes on today. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up for what you missed:

1) Turn in your assignment from last time, Europe in Crisis.

2) Download the packet and answer the first six questions on your own:

Assignment: Speaking Against Discrimination

3) Then watch the two video clips and afterwards answer the questions about each one in the packet.

EXAMPLE 1: Discrimination in America Against Homeless Persons

EXAMPLE 2: Discrimination Against Latinos in America

4) DO NOT DO PAGE 3 OF THE PACKET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Peter the Great and Crisis in Europe

On Friday 14th, Mar. and Monday 17th, Mar. we began our next unit about absolutism in Europe. We looked at the political, religious, and social turmoil of the period and then watched a video on one of the great monarchs of the time, Peter the Great. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Read Chapter 14 Sections 1 & 2 and complete the following worksheet:

Worksheet: Europe in Crisis

2) Research Peter the Great and write a one to one and a half page report on him. What kind of man was he both politically and personally? Why is he considered different from the typical Russian? What did he do to change Russian culture? What was the importance of his city, St. Petersburg?


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

TEST: Islamic and Asian Empires

On Wednesday 12th, Mar and Thursday 13th, Mar. we took our test on the Islamic and Asian empires that we have been researching and studying the last several times. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) If you were present for the presentations but ONLY missed the test day, please create five (5) questions per empire that we studied that you feel is important and someone should know if they were here for the presentations. Use the graphic organizer notes that we created for each empire during our presentations to generate your questions. You will have a total of 30 questions. (Since you were here last time, you will already have created questions for Tokugawa Japan & Yi Dynasty, Qing Empire and Ming Empire.) You will only need to create the questions for the Ottomans, Safavids, and Mughals. Good questions will be ones that cover the main points and require at least a sentence to answer. Once you have created your questions, on a SEPARATE piece of paper write the answers to all of your questions. Have these questions and answers ready to go on your return.

2) If you missed ANY of the presentation days, you will do exactly as above except you will have to use the alternate assignment you did to make your questions for the empires that you missed the presentations for. (The alternate assignments are described in previous posts on this blog.  Just look for the day you missed and read the post.) Everything else should remain the same. Please be ready with your question and answer sheets when you return.

If you have ANY difficulties, questions or concerns, please let me know as soon as possible.


Monday, March 10, 2014

The QIng, Tokugawa Japan, and Yi Dynasty

On Monday 10th, Mar. and Tuesday 11th, Mar. we enjoyed our presentations on the Qing of China, the Tokugawa of Japan, and the Yi of Korea. If you were absent, you will need to get the information a different way because you will have missed all the presentation and class discussion. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Please make sure your report and presentation are done and shared with me on Google docs. (Please see previous posts about the requirements and materials you need. ANY QUESTIONS BE SURE TO EMAIL ME OR ASK ME!!)

2) Turn in your Venn diagram from last time.

3) Read Chapter 16 Section 2 - Chinese Society and Culture and complete the section assessment on page 519. Do not do question #8!!

4) Read Chapter 16 Section 3  - Tokugawa Japan and Korea and complete the section assessment on page 525.  Do not o question #8!!

 5) Using your notes and/or bookwork from today and last time, on a blank piece of paper, create five (5) questions about Japan and Korea that demonstrate what you learned and feel is important, but do not actually answer those questions. Do the same for the Qing and the Ming (from last time) but create eight (8) questions.

You should have a total of 13 questions that cover what you learned for the Ming, Qing, Japan, and Korea.

If you have any questions please come see me, thanks.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Moguls (Mughals) and the Ming

On Thursday 6th, Mar. and Friday 7th, Mar. we enjoyed our presentations on the Moguls (Mughals) and the Ming of China. If you were absent, you will need to get the information a different way because you will have missed all the presentation and class discussion. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Please make sure your report and presentation are done and shared with me on Google docs. (Please see previous posts about the requirements and materials you need. ANY QUESTIONS BE SURE TO EMAIL ME OR ASK ME!!)

2) Read Chapter 15 Section 3 - The Moguls (Mughals) and complete the section assessment on page 503. Do not do question #8!!

3) Read Chapter 16 Section 1  - China at its Height and complete the section assessment on page 515.  Do not o question #8!!

4) Make a Chart or 3 Circle Venn Diagram and list five things that make each empire unique from the others and then 5 things that they all share in common based on what you have learned about them.

Friday, February 28, 2014

The Ottomans and Safavids

On Friday 28th, Feb. and Monday 3rd, Mar. we enjoyed our presentations on the Ottomans and Safavids. If you were absent, you will need to get the information a different way because you will have missed all the presentation and class discussion. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Please make sure your report and presentation are done and shared with me on Google docs.

2) Read Chapter 15 Section 1 - The Ottomans and complete the section assessment on page 489. Do not do question #8!!

3) Read Chapter 15 Section 2  - The Safavids and complete the section assessment on page 495.  Do not o question #8!!


Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Substitute Work

On Tuesday 25th, Feb. and Wednesday 26th, Feb. I was absent and there was a substitute. We took a look at the Mongols of the Middle Ages by watching a video and completing an assignment. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Watch the following video and take at least 30 notes about the history, importance, and characteristics of the Mongols. Afterwards write a minimum 1/2 page summary about what you learned as if you were explaining to a person who had no idea of this topic.

Video: Barbarians, The Mongols

2) Read Chap 8 Section 2 of your text and complete the following:

Assignment: The Mongols and China (pages 270-277)


Presentation Prep Day

On Monday 24th, Feb. we took out research from the previous two days and created a 1 page double space, typed report and a Google presentation. Please follow the instructions and be sure to create both your report and presentation by using Google Docs. (See me if you have any questions.)

IMPORTANT: Be sure to name your files as indicated on the instructions and share them with my on your Google drive.

Instructions: History Report and Presentation

Topics sheet (Remember to pick from  only the front page World Civ topics)

Presentation Template


Friday, February 21, 2014

Research Day #2

On Thursday 20th, Feb. and Friday 21st, Feb. we continued our research from the previous time. IF you were absent, you simply need to complete the research and perhaps begin working on the report portion of the project. (Please see the previous post for any materials you may need.)

Important: You should have at least 3 pages of handwritten notes that you will be able to turn into a 1pg report and Google Doc presentation. (See instructions).

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

History Presenations and Research Project

On Tuesday 18th, Feb. and Wednesday 19th, Feb. we turned in and corrected our Columbian Exchange maps. We then began a project on computers to create a report and presentations on important people, battles, topics and places from the Asian and Islamic empires of the 1400s to 1800s..

It will be necessary for you to use your Google Apps Account that has been set up by the school. If you are not sure about that, please come see me and I will help you get to where you need to be. We will be doing this project entirely on the internet.

Today we basically chose topics and began our research. The goal was to have at least two pages of handwritten notes today and then we will turn these into a report and presentation.

Instructions: History Report and Presentation

Topics sheet (Remember to pick from  only the World Civilizations topics. Do not choose WWII topics!!)

Presentation Template

1) Please turn in your assignments from last time on the Columbian Exchange.


Friday, February 14, 2014

Columbian Exchange

On Thursday 13th, Feb. and Friday 14th, Feb. we continued working on European exploration and the Columbian Exchange Packet. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

2) Please read the rest of Chapter 13 Sec 1 and then Sec 2 and complete the following notes:

3) You will need to come pick up the packet from me as I was unable to get it uploaded onto the blog.

Packet: Columbian Exchange Map Activity


Wednesday, February 12, 2014

European Exploration (Day 2)

On Tuesday 11th, Feb. and Wednesday 12th, Feb. we continued our look at European exploration. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

IMPORTANT #1: If you are in 4th period, you will need to see the Ms. Western for your make up!

IMPORTANT #2: Part (1) was listed on last post, but we did not get to it til today actually!
1) Read Chapter 13 Section 1 - Exploration and Expansion in your text and complete the following notes and assignment.

Notes: Chapter 13 Sec 1 - Exploration and Expansion.

Assignment: European Explorers Chart


2) Please read the rest of Chapter 13 Sec 1 and then Sec 2 and complete the following notes:

3) You will need to come pick up the packet from me as I was unable to get it uploaded onto the blog.

Packet: Columbian Exchange Map Activity


Friday, February 7, 2014

TEST: Renaissance and Reformation / European Exploration

On Friday 7th, Feb. and Monday 10th, Feb. we reviewed and took our test on the Renaissance and Reformation. Afterwards, we began our unit on European Exploration and Colonization. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Turn in your assignment from last time, The Spread of Protestantism.

2) If you did not get a study guide last time, download and study for your test:
Study Guide: Renaissance and Reformation

3) Schedule a time to come in and make up the test. You have two weeks to do so.

4) Read Chapter 13 Section 1 - Exploration and Expansion in your text and complete the following notes and assignment.

Notes: Chapter 13 Sec 1 - Exploration and Expansion.

Assignment: European Explorers Chart


Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Reformation and Spread of Protestantism

On Wednesday 5th, Feb. and Thursday 6th, Feb. we took a small correction quiz on the works of art that we studied last time. We then finished notes on the Reformation and then completed a small assignment on the spread of Protestantism. Finally, we conducted a small review for our quiz next time. IF you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) If you are in 1 or 3 period, you will need to turn in the assignment on Life and Changes in the Renaissance that you received last time.

2) You will need to arrange for a time to come in a take the Art of the Renaissance quiz. (It is only a 16 point check and will take about 10 mins is all)

3) Read Chapter 12 Section 3 of your text and complete the following notes. Some classes already began these.
Notes: Chapter 12 Sec 3 - Reformation

4) Read Chapter 12 Section 4 of your text and complete the following assignment.
Assignment: Chapter 12 Sec 4 - Spread of Protestantism

5)  Use the following study guide to prepare for your quiz.
Study Guide: Chapter 12 - The Renaissance and Reformation


Monday, February 3, 2014

Renaissance Art, Writing, and Architecture

On Monday 3rd, Feb. and Tuesday 4th, Feb. we corrected our assignment from last time and then conducted an art show powerpoint of some of the most important, beautiful, and influential works from the Renaissance. We covered writings, art, and architecture. We then began discussing the Reformation of the Catholic Church. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Turn in your worksheet on the Life and Changes During the Renaissance.

2) Read through and know the information on the following PowerPoint.

PowerPoint: Da Vinci, Machiavelli, and Dante

3) Look at the following lists of works/artists and then the visual list of works. You need to be able to match the correct name/artist to the work. (You might find it easier to Google the name of the work and look for the image in the results. ) Next time, we will be taking a small quiz and you will need to be able to sight identify these works.

List of Works and their Artists  (They are not in the same order as on the visual list. This means you'll have to study!)

Visual List of Important Works/Artists

4) Read Chapter 12 Sec 3 of your Text and fill in the notes as best you can.

Notes: Chapter 12 Section 3 - The Reformation


Michelangelo and Life in the Renaissance

On Thursday 30th, Jan and Friday 31st, Jan. I was absent and there was a substitute. The class corrected the assignment from last time, watched a small video on the artist Michelangelo and then completed a book assignment about life and changes in the Renaissance. IF you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Turn in your work from last time - the chart of important people in the Renaissance.

2) Watch the following first 30 minutes of the video and complete the listening log and summary:

Video: Michelangelo - Artist and Man (Sorry, about the Russian subtitles.)
Listening Log: Michelangelo - Artist and Man

3) Using your textbook, read pages 400-403 and then 409-411 and then complete the following worksheet.

Worksheet: Life and Changes in the Renaissance
