Contact Mr. Ball

Monday, October 24, 2016

Culture of the Middle Ages & Test Review

On Monday 24th, Oct. we took time to finish up our look at the European Middle Ages. We then spent the remainder of the time reviewing for our test which will be next time. If you were absent, please do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Download the following notes and read Chapter 10 Sections 3 & 4 and fill in the notes to the best of your ability. Alternately, you may copy from a friend, but you still must read the sections so you have all the info you need.

Notes: Chapter 10 Sections 3 & 4

2) Download the following study materials. Both are assignments and will be turned in before the test next time.

Study Guide Unit 2: Chapters 5, 9, & 10

Review Crossword: Roman Empire

Review Crossword: Germanic Peoples, Byzantine Empire, Middle Ages


Monday, October 10, 2016

Feudalism & the Rise of European Kingdoms

On Monday 10th, Oct. we began our look at feudalism and the beginnings of the great kingdoms in Europe. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) read Chapter 9 Sections 1 and 2 of your textbook and complete the following notes. You may copy the notes from a friend; however, it is important that you read your text so you get the context.

Notes: Chapter 9 Secs 1 & 2 - Role of the Church and Feudalism

2) Then using the instructions you download below, gather notes on the European Kingdoms in section 3 of Chapter 9. For now you only have to get notes on England, the rest we will do on your return.

Assignment: Making a History Booklet

IMPORTANT: Step 4 of the instruction, the illustration page, is now extra credit!


Thursday, October 6, 2016

The Germanic Peoples

On Thursday 6th, Oct. we began our next chapter by watching a documentary on the Huns and then taking notes about the Germanic Kingdoms. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Watch the following documentary and complete the assignment. You only need to watch the first 25 minutes; however, you can watch the whole thing if you want to of course.

Video: The Huns

As you watch the video please take notes on the following questions. You should be able to answer these questions and have at least 20 significant notes that help you remember.

Where did the Huns come from and what was their lifestyle?
What made the Huns such great warriors?
How did Rome react to the Huns and what did the Romans do to keep peace?
Who was Attila the Hun? How did he gain power?
What did Atilla want for the Huns?
What impact did the Huns have on Rome and Europe in general?

2) Read Chapter 9 Section 1 (the section about the Germanic tribes) and complete the following notes:

Notes: Chap 9 Sec 1 - Transforming the Roman World

3) Once you have finished the above, take the notes you have a write a 1 page summary in your own words that answer the following questions:

IMPORTANT: Huns are NOT Germanic people! They are a separate group, but certainly had a relationship to the Germanic peoples.

- Who were the Huns and Germanic peoples?
- Why did the Germanic tribes invade the Roman Empire?
- How did the Huns and Germanic peoples affect and interact with Rome?


Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire & Roman Mural Activity

On Tuesday 4th, Oct. we corrected our assignment from last time and then discussed and took notes on the decline and fall of the Roman Empire. We then took a Quiz on our Roman unit by creating murals. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to amke up what you missed:

1) Turn in your assignment on Roman Culture and Society from last time.

2) Instead of notes I would like you to please read Chapter 5 Section 5 - Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire and complete the worksheet.

Assignment: Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire

3) Create a mural in the Roman style by following the instructions for the alternate assessment. You will need a large piece of blank paper. You can provide this yourself or come see me to get one.

Assignment: Creating a Mural of Roman Life
