Contact Mr. Ball

Thursday, February 25, 2016

The Age of Napoleon & The Power of Speech

On Thursday 25th, Feb. we finished our look at Napoleon and then did a small project on speech making. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Turn in your movie notes from last time.

2) Download the following assignment and complete using your text.

Assignment: Age of Napoleon 

3) Today we discussed and looked at the importance and power of speeches. To illustrate our points and analyze techniques used we listened to clips from three speeches.

IMPORTANT: These speeches were not chosen for their content or to advocate any agendas, but as examples of speeches that are given for different purposes and that show common characteristics of effective speeches. These speeches are political in nature and as such you MAY or MAY NOT find yourself responding to them, that is fine, but remember to look at the fundamental parts of the speech and answer the questions in the packet.

If you missed class, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

- Download the packet and answer the first four questions on your own.

Assignment: The Power of Speech

- Watch the following speeches and answer the questions for each one:

SPEECH 1: Charlie Chaplin's The Great Dictator

SPEECH 2: President Obama (Fast forward the speech to the 8:00 minute mark and watch until about 13:00 minutes)

SPEECH 3: Severn Suzuki (Watch the first 5 minutes is all)

- For part 3, look at question 4 of your packet, choose a topic and come to class with a rough outline of how your speech will go. We will finish them and share them in class.


Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Radical Revolution & The Age of Napoleon

On Tuesday 23rd, Feb. we continued looking at the French Revolution and the Age of Napoleon. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) We completed the assignment from last time, The French Revolution Begins. Please turn this in on your return.

2) Read Chap 18 Sec 2 Radical Revolution and Reaction and complete the notes sheets.

Notes: Radical Revolution

 3) Watch the following video and begin taking notes on what you learned. IMPORTANT: You only have to watch the first 10 minutes of the video!

Video: Napoleon


Friday, February 19, 2016

The American & French Revolutions

On Friday 19th, Feb. we discussed the American and French Revolutions. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Finish your assignment on the American Revolution from last time and turn in when you return.

2) Watch the following video and take at least 10 notes about wha tyou learned. (You could include these notes on the assignment about the American Revolution.)

Video: Crash Course - French Revolution

3) Complete the following assignment up to question #10:

Assignment: The French Revolution Begins


Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Tying the Impact of the Enlightenment to Today

On Wednesday 17th, Feb. we attempted to draw some connections between what we are learning about the enlightenment to the political events of today. If you were absent, please do the following to ake up what you missed:

1) We finished discussign and correcting the assignment before. Make sure to get  it done and turn it in.

Assignment: The Impact of the Enlightenment Chap 17 Sec 3

2) In light of what you learned in Chapter 17 Sec 3 (the previous assignment), watch the following ads and analyze them for ideas that were first introduced in the Enlightenment era. Also make notes for conflicts and overall ideas what each candidate wants. It is probably helpful to make a chart like the following.

- list each candidate down the left side of a piece of paper and then make three columns.
- In the first column, describe why we should vote for the candidate based on his or her ad.
- In the second column, describe what ideals or values the candidate is promoting that you saw was introduced in the Enlightenment era.
- In the third column, describe your thoughts about effectiveness of this candidate in terms of improving modern American society. What do you agree with? What do you disagree with?

3)  Read Chapter 17 Sec 4 - The American Revolution and complete the following instructions:

- On a piece of paper create four sections.

- Section 1 answer the question: What was the British system like before the American Revolution? Answer that question by reading the red heading Britain and the American Revolution. Your answer should be a series of bullet point or a summary paragraph.

- Section 2 answer the question: Why did the American Revolution begin? Answer that question by reading the blue heading The American Revolution Begins. Answer the same way as for #1.

- Section 3 answer the question: How did the Americans eventually defeat the British? Answer that question by reading the blue heading British Defeat. Again in the same way as #1.

- Section 4 answer the question: How did the ideas of the Enlightenment help create our new nation? Answer that question by reading everything after the red heading The Birth of a New Nation. Again in the same way as for #1.


Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Unit 4 TEST & Impact of the Enlightenment

On Wednesday 10th, Feb. we took our test for unit 4. Before we did though we did a review using a crossword. We then started an assignment on the impact of the Enlightenment. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Make sure you have all your green notes from the unit. You will turn these in for points.

- Renaissance
- Reformation
- Exploration and Expansion
- Exploration and Expansion (Part 2)
- Response to Crisis: Absolutism

2) download the following crossword and use it to review. There is a word bank at the bottom fo the crossowrd. Use that to help you

Review Crossword - Unit 4

3) Schedule a time to take your test.

4) Download the following assignment and get at least the first 5 questions done. We will continue it next time.

Assignment: The Impact of the Enlightenment Chap 17 Sec 3

Monday, February 8, 2016

The Enlightenment

On Monday 8th, Feb.  we covered the Age of Enlightenment and continued with student presentations. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Download the following notes and read Chapter 17 Sec 2 and fill in the notes to the best of your ability.

Notes: The Enlightenment Chapter 17 Sec 2

2) Then we did student presentations. If you were here last time, you do NOT need to make up these presentations. However, if you missed both last time and this time you will need to come in during MAP time and compelte an alternate assignment. Please come see me.

IMPORTANT: You need to have been here at least one of the days for student presentations!


Thursday, February 4, 2016

The Scientific Revolution & Presentations

On Thursday 4th, Feb. we talked about the Scientific Revolution as a recap for the day I was absent. We then spent the remainder of the time listening to presentations. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Using the following powerpoint presentation, go through and fill in the notes sheet and make sure you understand the main points and all the terms listed in bold on your note sheet.

PowerPoint: The Scientific Revolution

Notes: The Scientific Revolution

2) The presentations that were given today you do not need to make up per se. On Monday the majority of the presentations will be given. Please be there!


Working on Presentations

On Tuesday 2nd, Feb. we spent the enite time working on our slide shows and reports for our presentations. Please follow the instructions from your research project packet. If you need that, you can come get one for me or you can download one from the post on Wedneday 27th, January (two posts before this one).

Thank you.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The Scientific Revolution

On Friday 22nd, Jan. I was out and there was a sub. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Please read through the instructions I left for the substitute.

Substitute Instructions

2) Downlaod and complete the book work.

Chapter 17 Sec 1 - The Scientific Revolution

3) To make up for the video, please do some self research (including your book assignment) and write a 1 page summary of what you have learned about the Scientific Revolution. Be sure to answer the following questions in your summary:

- What was the Scientific Revolution?
- Who were some of the major people and advancements of this 'revolution'?
- How has it impacted our lives today? Why was it important?
