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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Rise of Cities in Europe During the Middle Ages

On Fri. 27th, Jan. and Mon. 30th, Jan. we discussed the growth of cities in Europe during the Middle Ages, peasant life, and the revival of trade. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Read Chapter 10 Sec 1 of your text and complete the notes and assignment. If there are notes you can not find, you may copy from a friend.

Notes: Peasants, Trade and Cities Chap 10 Sec 1

Assignment: The Revival of Trade and Growth of Cities

2) You will also need to create a summary response for what you learned today. Take a blank piece of paper and int he center draw a small box. In the box write the words "The Growth of Cities in the Middle Ages". Either above the box or to the left side write out at least 6 causes that resulted in the growth of cities. In other words, what were 6 things that happened that caused cities to grow during the Middle Ages? Then either below the box or to the right side, list at list 6 effects of having growing cities in the Middle Ages. In other words, what happened as a result of growing cities?

You will turn in your assignment and summary response upon your return.


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