Contact Mr. Ball

Friday, December 21, 2012

African Society and Culture

African Culture and Society

On Friday 21st, Dec. we discussed African culture and society. We took notes on these elements and then we listened to American music that has been influenced by African themes and rhythms. The purpose of today was to gain a greater understanding of Africa's culture and to show that we as modern Americans are in fact connected to this great continent.

If you were absent you will need to complete the following in order to make up what you missed:

#1) Read Chapter 7 Section of your textbook. As you read fill in the notes sheet as much as possible. You may copy any missing notes from a friend.

Notes: African Society and Culture

#2) You will need to write a 1-2 page typed paper on African Influences on American music. In your paper you should address the following:

- What is syncopation and how does it relate to African music?
- What is call and response and how does it relate to African music?
- What is timbre and how does it relate to African music?
- What are some genres of music that have been heavily influenced by traditional African music themes: ragtime, blues, jazz, gospel, Motown, etc.?
- How are these genres and musical elements evident in today's American popular music styles?


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Kingdoms of Africa

On Wednesday 19th, Dec. we looked at the kingdoms of Africa from about 1000 AD to 1600 AD. We covered in particular the kingdoms of Ghana, Mali, Songhai, and the Swahili Coast. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) The previous sub assignment was not completed to expectations and everyone was given another chance to make sure it was complete. If you have not already done it make sure you read Chap 7 Section 1 and complete the entire assessment at the end of the section!

2) Please read Chapter 7 Section 2 of your text and complete the packet. Unfortunately you will need to complete the entire packet on your own. Although this was a group assignment, you will not have a chance to work in a group. I apologize.

Assignment: African Kingdoms Jigsaw Packet


Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Development of African Civilizations

On Monday 17th, Dec. there was a substitute as I was absent. We began looking at the development of African civilizations by focusing on physical geography and the early civilizations in Africa. If you were absent, you will need to do the following in order to make up what you missed:

1) Read Chapter 7 Section 1 of your text (pages 236-239) and complete the entire assessment at the end of the section on page 239.

2) Also read pages 240-241 and answer the two questions on 241 on the same paper as your other ones.

3) Research the kingdom of Zimbabwe, capital is the Great Zimbabwe, from 1300 to 1450 AD.
Write a 1 1/2 to 2 page report on what you learned about this African kingdom and its people.


Thursday, December 13, 2012

Islamic Culture

On Thursday 13th, Dec. we discussed the culture and achievements of Islamic civilization. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Read Chapter 6 Section 4 of your text about the Culture of Islam and fill in the note sheet as you read.

Notes: Culture of Islam

2) Read the story of Ali Cogia and then complete the worksheet questions when you are finished.

Story of Ali Cogia, Merchant of Baghdad

Worksheet: Story of Ali Cogia


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Awakening of Islamic Civilization

On Tuesday 11th, Dec. we watched a video about the Awakening and flourishing of Islamic civilization. In order to make this video up, you will need ts write a 1-2 page report on the Islamic cities of Baghdad and Cordoba. IMPORTANT: You will need to write about Baghdad during the Abbasid dynasty and its contributions to the development of Islamic civilization. Also for Cordoba, you will need to write about it during the period when Muslims ruled Spain.

We also did a small book assignment about Islamic Civilization (pages 200-203 of your text).

Assignment: Islamic Civilization


Friday, December 7, 2012

The Creation of an Arab Empire

On Friday 7th, Dec. we discussed the spread of Islam and the creation of a political empire based on Islam and Arab rule. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Turn in your 1 page paper from last time about Muhammad.

2) Read the first part of Chap 6 Section 2 - pages 192-194 and complete the assignment.

Assignment: The Creation of an Arab Empire

3) read the remainder of Chap 6 Sec 2 and fill in the notes sheet. It is important for you to read the section so you understand the main ideas; however, you may copy notes from a friend, for any notes you can not find.

Notes: The Abbasids and Seljuk Turks


Thursday, December 6, 2012

Muhammad and Intro to Islam

On Wednesday 5th, Dec. we began our exploration of Islamic Culture and Civilization. If you were absent you will need to do the following:

1) Please Read Chap 6 Sec 1 of your text and complete the notes sheet to the best of your ability. You may copy notes from a friend for any you might have been unable to find.

Notes: Rise of Islam

2) We saw a video on the Beginnings of Islam and the role of the Prophet Muhammad. In order to make this up you will need to write a 1 page report typed, double spaced on Muhammad and his role in the beginning of Islam.


Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Current Event November

On Monday 3rd, Dec. we held our current event discussion for November. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Turn in your yellow current event packet in for November.

2) Pick up a current event article packet from me in class. You will read it and respond to it. This will make up for the discussion you missed.


Thursday, November 29, 2012

Review and Test: Roman Empire

On Thursday 29th, Nov. we spent the first portion of our class reviewing for the test and then spent the rest of the class taking the test.

If you were absent, you will need to come by and pick up a review crossword to complete and then schedule a time to come in a make up your test.


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire

On Tuesday 27th, Nov. we discussed and looked at the decline and fall of the Roman Empire. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Turn in your assignment from last time: Roman Culture and Society.

2) Read Chapter 5 Sec 5 of your text and fill in the notes as much as possible. You may copy from a friend for any notes you are unable to find while reading.
Notes: Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire

3) Complete the following assignment using a 14x17 piece of paper. You can pick this paper up from me if you do not have access to one on your own.
Assignment: Creating a Mural of Roman Life


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Roman Culture and the Rise of Christianity

On Tuesday 20th, Nov. we discussed Roman culture and covered many topics including religion, family life, society, art, literature, etc. We then discussed the rise of Christianity and the conversion of the Roman emperors to this new religion. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Turn in your essay from last time.

2) Read Chapter 5 Section 4 of your text and complete the notes. You may copy from a  friend any notes you can not find, but you MUST read the section to get the context of the notes.
Notes: The Development of Christianity

3) Read Chapter 5 Sec 3 of your text and complete the assignment.
Assignment: Roman Culture and Society


Friday, November 16, 2012

Rise of the Roman Empire

On Friday 16th, Nov. we discussed the rise of the Roman Empire. IF you were absent you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Turn in your poster and the law you created.

2) Using your assignment from last time, write a 1.5/2 page essay on the fall of the Roman Republic and the rise of the Roman Empire. You will basically take the assignment you did with the causes and effects and tell the story of how Octavian became the emperor beginning with the poor farmers moving to the cities. Be sure to include all seven events in your essay and enough detail to tell the story. Be sure to do this in your OWN WORDS!!!

3) Also you will need to read Chapter 5 Section 2 and fill in the following notes as much as possible.


Thursday, November 15, 2012

Punic Wars and the Rise of the Empire

On Wednesday 14th, Nov. we discussed the Punic Wars between Carthage and Rome and then did an assignment on cause and effect that led to the rise of the Roman Empire and death of the republic. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Turn in your assignment from last class on the Twelve Tables of Roman Law.

2) Read pages 150-151 on Roman Expansion and fill in the notes on the Punic War as much as possible.
Notes: Roman Expansion and the Punic Wars

3) Read the instructions on the following assignment and complete.
Assignment: Cause and Effect the Fall of the Roman Republic and Rise of the Empire


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Twelve Tables of Roman Law

On Monday 12th, Nov. we finished our video on Rome, the Ultimate Empire. We then discussed the Twelve Tables of Roman Law and then did a small group activity. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Write a 1 page report on one of the following to make up the video:

-The Colosseum and Gladiators
- The Roman military
- Julius Caesar

2) Read the following handout and then complete the worksheet:

Handout: The Twelve Tables

Worksheet: Evaluating the Twelve Tables

3) Create a list of twelve laws that you would enact if you were in charge.

Thank you.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Founding of Rome and the Early Republic

On Thursday 8th, Nov. we began our unit on Rome. We started by looking at the physical geography and how it affected the development of Rome. Then we took some notes on the early republic. After the notes we began a video about life in Rome. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed.

Read Chapter 5 Sec 1 and fill out:
Notes: The Roman Republic

And complete:
Assignment: The Land and Peoples of Italy

Thank you.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Substitute Assignment

On Tuesday 6th, November I was not here and there was a substitute. If you were absent, please do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Read Chapter 4 Section 5 of your textbook and complete the following notes by write five important facts about each section down.

Notes: Alexander and the Hellenistic Era

2) Complete the ENTIRE assessment at the end of the section (EXCEPT Question #8). Be sure to write the questions down as well.


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Tuesday 30th, Oct. & Thursday 1st, Nov.

On Tuesday 30th, Oct. we did our book report presentations. If you were absent, there is nothing to make up for that. However, you should have turned in your book report. On Thursday we held our current event discussion. If you were absent, you will need to turn in your current event packet as soon as possible. It is not really possible to make up the discussion; however, you should include a small write up in addition to your current event packet about your thoughts on the presidential election next week.


Friday, October 26, 2012

Greek Myths and Philosophies

On Friday 26th, Oct. we discussed the difference between wisdom and knowledge. We looked at two different approaches to gaining both of these through philosophy and myth. If you were absent, you will need to read Chapter 4 Section 4 of your text and makes sure you can answer the questions and define the terms on your notes sheet. After you have read the section, complete the ENTIRE review on page 131 for the section.

Notes: Greek Philosophies


Classical Greece

On Wednesday 24th, Oct. we discussed the video notes and corrected the questions from the video. We then looked at Classical Greece and completed on assignment on Athens and its culture in ancient times. If you were absent, you will need to be sure and hand in your assignment from last time and read pages 118-123 of your text and complete the worksheet.

Worksheet: Classical Greece


Monday, October 22, 2012

The Aegean World and Greek City States

On Monday 22nd, Oct. we watched a video on the Aegean world and some of the myths and stories we have heard that are related to this era. We then talked about the development of the Greek city states of Sparta and Athens.

If you were absent, you will need to read Chapter 4 Section 2 of your textbook and complete the notes sheet. You will also need to write a 1 page typed, double spaced report on the following topics - Minoan civilization. This 1 page report will make up for the video you missed.

Notes: Ancient Greece


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Test Correction and Greek Geography

On Tuesday 16th, Oct. we corrected our test from last time. We also began our unit on ancient Greece by considering some of the geography and creating a small map. Unfortunately the map is not downloadable to the web, so you will need to come in and pick that up.

We were on a very short schedule due to an assembly. That is all we did.

Thank you.

Friday, October 12, 2012

TEST: Ancient India and China

On Friday 12th, Oct. we took our test on ancient India and China. If you were absent, you will need to arrange a time before or after school to take the test. You have two weeks from today to do so.

Thank you.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

REVIEW: Ancient India and China

On Wednesday 10th, Oct. we reviewed for our test on Friday. If you were absent, you will need to download the following study guide and begin studying. There was a review crossword; however, it is not available online and you will need to come in to get it.

Review Crossword: (NEED TO PICK UP IN PERSON)

Study Guide: Ancient India and China


Early Chinese Dynasties

On Monday 8th, Oct. I was absent and there was a substitute. We focused on this day on the ancient Chinese. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed. The notes can be learned by reading the text (see pages below) or copying from a friend. The assignment can be completed using the text. Please follow the instructions. 

IMPORTANT: Please read pages 86-90 & 94-96 for the notes.


Religions of India

On Thursday 4th, Oct. we looked at Hinduism and Buddhism and discussed their development, main precepts, and impact on India. We also continued discussing the first empires of India and their characteristics. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed. The notes are not from the book so you will need to copy from a friend and the worksheet can be completed by using the textbook.

Notes: Religions of India

Assignment: New Empires of India


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The First Empires of India

On Tuesday 2nd, Oct. we watched a video on the first empires of ancient India. We focused particularly on the Mauryan Empire and its founder Chandragupta Maurya and his grandson Ashoka. If you were absent you will need to do the following to make up what you missed: write a one page typed, double spaced report on the Mauryan Empire. Be sure to mention Chandragupta Maurya and Ashoka in your report and why they were important.


Friday, September 28, 2012

Current Event September

On Wednesday 26th, Sept. and Thursday 27th, Sept. we held our current event discussion for the month. If you were absent you will need to be sure to turn in your current event packet on your return.


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Physical Geography and Early Civiliziations of India

On Tuesday 25th, Sept. we looked at the rise of civilization in the Indus River Valley and the earliest empires of India. We also discussed how physical geography has a major impact on how and even if a civilization develops. The Indus River Valley civilization had all the six characteristics of a civilized society, but it had developed some traits that were unique to the world.

If you were absent,  you will need to read Chapter 3 Section1 of your text and complete the assessment at the end of that section only. You only have to complete questions 1-7. We then took some time to analyze the physical geography of India and China and how these features along with climate helped influence the development of civilization in these areas.The assignment can be completed by using your textbook and simply following the instructions.


Apology and Video

First, allow me to apologize. It just came to my attention that my posts have not been appearing. I have remedied the situation and you should now start seeing the posts. Please forgive me.

On Fridat 21st, Sept. we began our unit on Ancient India and China. We began by looking at a video called The Story of India: (Episode 2) The Power of Ideas. This video gave us a great introduction into some of the powerful ideas, people, and events of ancient India.

If you were absent you will need to write a 1 page typed report double spaced on the following topic to make up for the video: The Origins of Buddhism. Please discuss the person who founded Buddhism, why he did it and what impact Buddhism has had on the world.

Thank you

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

PLAN Test and Test Correction

On Wednesday 19th, Sept. we were on a very shortened day - only 30 mins! We spent the time correcting our test from last time and passing back work. There is no make up necessary.


Monday, September 17, 2012

Test on Unit One!

On Monday 17th, Sept. we spent the majority of the day taking our test on our unit about "Early Humans and Civilizations". We then corrected those tests today.

In addition to our test we took some time to correct our Evaluating the Timeline of the Ancient Middle East worksheet. We also turned in our three green note sheets and the review crossword as a review packet before we took the test.

If you were absent, you will need to arrange a time to come in before or after school to make up your test. You will also need to bring your three green note sheets and review crossword to turn in.


Review and Timeline Correction

On Thursday 13th, Sept. we spent the first part of class correcting our timelines. Then we took some time to evaluate those time lines by looking at cause and effect and change over time and discussing these things. We then spent the remaining 20-25 mins reviewing for our quiz on Chaps. 1 & 2 for next time.

Students were informed that on test days they need to come with a reading book in case they finish early and to take care of any personal business before they come. There are no hall passes during a test, except for obvious and immediate emergencies.

If you were absent you will need to have your timeline ready to turn in when you return and have the evaluation worksheet completed. Also, the review crossword must be completed and you will need to turn in all of your green notes sheets for the unit.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Ancient History Timeline

Today Tuesday 11th, Septmeber we completed parts 2 and 3 of the assignment we worked on last time. We finished grading our date sheet from last time.

If you were absent, you will need to see me to get the timeline sheets I would like you to use. Sorry this is one of a handful of situations that I am not able to put the work on the blog.

IMPORTANT: We also passed out the study guide for our first test that will be Monday 17th, Sep.
Study Guide: Chapters 1 & 2 - Test


Friday, September 7, 2012

New Civilizations and Empires

On Friday 7th, Sept. we discussed the rise of new civilizations and empires. Our main point of the day is that civilizations advances through two primary ways: innovation and cultural diffusion. Innovation simply means the creation of something new from within the culture. Cultural diffusion refers to the process by which technology and ideas spread from one culture to another.

We then spent some time gathering dates from the various topics we have thus covered. The purpose of which is to create an illustrated timeline of the ancient Middle East. Once our timeline is completed, we will be able to visually analyze the progress of civilization over time.

If you were absent, you will need to print out the notes and worksheet. The notes you will need to copy from a friend in the class and then use your textbook to complete the assignment.

IMPORTANT: At this point only collect the dates. Do NOT complete steps 2 &3.

Thank you.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Ancient Sumeria and Egypt

On Wednesday 5th, Sept. we analyzed the development and contributions of the ancient Sumerians and Egyptians. We discussed their contribution to modern civilization and the structure of their societies, along with information on their religions, governments, and arts.

If you were absent, you will need to copy the notes from a friend or complete as much as you can by reading the book. Also, you will need to complete the worksheet on ancient Egypt.


Friday, August 31, 2012

Early Humans and the Rise of Civilizations

On Fri. 31st, Aug. we discussed the rise of humans and the development of civilizations. The information presented was presented as a theory that is generally accepted by anthropologists and archaeologists. We discussed the development of humans and how agriculture led to the beginnings of human civilization. Students took notes on this information and then we completed an assignment identifying the six characteristics of civilization and then compared those characteristics to modern American society.

If you were absent, please print out the following notes sheet and copy from a friend in class. You will also need to print out the Six Characteristics of Civilization; however, you will not be able to complete this assignment until next week, because you do not have a textbook. 

If you have any issues, please come see me. Thanks.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Welcome to the 2012-2013 School Year!!!

On Tuesday 28th Aug. (A day) and Wednesday 29th Aug. (B day) we spent the class period introducing the class to World Civilizations. We did the following:
- Mr. Ball introduced himself to the class
- organized our seating chart
- went over the class disclosure
- introduced this blog and the importance thereof
- spent time discussing expectations
- discussed the importance of history
- completed a small free write and pre-assessment quiz

Also two assignments were introduced: the quarterly book reports and current events (instructions and packets).


Wednesday, May 23, 2012

TEST!!! Final Test!

On Tues. 22nd, May and Wed 23rd, May we took our final test of the year. If you were absent, you will need to make it up ASAP or make alternate arrangements by Friday 3p 25th, May.

Thank You.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Technology of WWI and the US Becomes Involved

On Fri. 18th, May and Mon. 21st, May we discussed the technology of World War I. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Write a 2 page (typed, double spaced, 12 point font, 1 inch margin) report on the The Technology of WWI. You may focus specifically on machine guns, poison gas, tanks, and flamethrowers specifically as they were used in WWI.


Thursday, May 17, 2012

World War I

On Wed. 16th, May and Thurs. 17th, May we looked at World War I. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed.

1) We turned in the books that were checked out to you at the beginning of the year. You will need to turn that book in as soon as possible.

2) Write a 2 page (typed, double spaced, 12 pt. font) report on World War I. Include major battles and events and a brief chronological outline of the war from 1914-1918.


The Outbreak of World War I

On Mon. 14th, May and Tues. 15th, May there was a substitute. For the substitute there was a small book reading and video. If you were absent, please do the following to make up what you missed.

1) Write a 1 1/2 page report (typed, double spaced, 12 pt font, 1 inch margin) on the four main causes of WWI with an especial focus on these four topics:
- Alliances between European countries
- Militarism or focus on the military.
- Nationalism or extreme pride and love of country.
- Imperialism or the desire to control other countries and their resources. 

Thank You.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Logic Plans for Action

On Wed. 10th, May and Thurs. 11th, May we took our work from the previous meeting and created logic models to create a plan of action for addressing our issues. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed.

1) Using your worksheet and survey results from last time, fill in the logic model as you develop your action plan. Please follow each step carefully:

Assignment: Logic Model for Action Plan

a- Inputs - List all the things you will need to get your plan into action (e.g., time, money, materials, etc.)
b- Outputs - List first all the activities you can think of that you can reasonably do (e.g., posters, speeches, interviews, etc.) and then which groups of people you will target with those activities.
c- Outcomes or Goals - List first what you want to have accomplished in the first 6 months of your efforts then list what you want to accomplish in a 6 months to 5 year time frame.
d. Impact - List the fundamental and deep changes you want to have seen accomplished or in place 20, 35, 50 years from now.
e - Assumptions - List the prevailing attitudes and beliefs that now surround your issue. These can be positive or negative. They also don;t have to be factual but simply what people feel about the issue.
f - Environmental Factors - List all the laws, customs, religious beliefs, organizations, policies and other factors that currently affect your issue. Again some may be positive and some may be negative. These are the things you are going to have to work with, change, use as resources, or try to eliminate to reach your goals.

2) Once your logic model is finished, go to the ACTIVITIES column and choose one of those activities to complete. If your listed posters, make a poster. If you listed, give a speech, write that speech. If you said hold a school assembly, go to the administration and come up with a plan or find out what you need to do that as you won't actually be able to hold the assembly. If you have any questions about how you might complete an activity, come see me!!!

DUE DATE: Everything is due on the following dates for this project!

A DAY - Friday 18th  May      B DAY - Monday 21st, May


Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Six Principles of Nonviolence

On Tues. 8th, May and Wed. 9th, May we continued our exploration of the ideas of Martin Luther King, Jr. and the potential for students to make a positive impact in the world. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Turn in your worksheet packet on the two speeches by MLK from last time.

2) Choose an issue that you feel strongly about that you would be willing to actually do something to try and change it. This issue can be anything that is of personal importance to you and something you feel is unfair, unjust, or just plain wrong.

3) Once you have an issue chosen, please read through the Six Principles of Nonviolent Resistance and then answer the questions  on the worksheet that go through those six principles as they apply to the issue you have chosen. BE SPECIFIC AND GIVE DETAILS!!! At least two answers per question.

Reading Handout: The Six Principles of Nonviolence - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Assignment: Putting the Six Principles of Nonviolence to Action

4) The final thing we did today was to create a survey of four questions regarding your issue that you can ask five different people for their opinions. This survey should be questions that directly relate to your issue and help  you understand what other people feel or think about your issue. Please avoid using just yes/no questions, but ask questions that allow them to express themselves. Please have the survey and the responses you collect ready for next time. Do NOT write down the names of the people you ask, just what there responses are.

Thank You.

Friday, May 4, 2012

The Idea of Nonviolence

On Fri. 4th, May and Mon. 7th, May we are looking at the speeches and ideas of Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. and discussing the ideas of nonviolence.

If you were not here, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Read the following two speeches by Martin Luther King, Jr. and answer the question on the packet. (You can either read the speeches online or pint them off the page once you get there.)

Speech 1: The Power of Nonviolence

Speech 2: Nonviolence: The Only Road to Freedom


Packet assignment: Martin Luther King and the Idea of Nonviolence

Thank You.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Test: The French Revolution and Industrial Revolution

On Wed. 2nd, May and Thurs. 3rd, May we took out test. If you were absent, you will need to schedule a time to make up the test before or after school. You will also need to turn in your notes and review for points. You will also need to turn in your nationalism packet.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Romanticism/Realism and Study Guide

On Mon. 30th, Apr. and Tues. 1st, May we looked at the artistic and scientific movements that were taking place in Europe at the same time as the French and Industrial Revolutions. We finished our packet on Nationalism and National Unification We then spent the remainder of the class working on our review crosswords and study guides for our test next time.

If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Read Romanticism and Realism: Chap 19 Sec 4 (Pages 639-643) and complete the notes sheets. For any notes you can not fin, you may copy from a friend.

2) Finish your Nationalism and National Unification packet on your own. Sorry.

3) Download the study guide and look it over for your test next time.

4) Download the review crossword and complete.
IMPORTANT: The review crossword is only available for a limited time. IF the link does not work, you will need to come see me for a copy.

Review Crossword

Thank You.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Revolution and Reaction

On Thurs. 26th, Apr. and Fri. 27th, Apr. we looked at the forces of conservatism, liberalism, and nationalism as they operated in the 1800s in Europe and how they impacted the countries and made them change. We then did a small jigsaw activities with partners.

If yo were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Please read Chapter 19 Section 2 Reaction and Revolution and complete the notes sheet as best you can. For any notes you are unable to find, you may copy from a friend.

Notes: Reaction and Revolution Chapter 19 Section 2

2) Please download the assignment and read the instructions carefully. If you will be here next time (Mon. 30th, Apr. A DAY or Tues. 1st, May B DAY), you only need to read and complete ONE of the parts. If you will not be here on those days, then you will need to complete the packet yourself.

Assignment: Nationalism Packet

Thank You.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Napoleon Bonaparte

On Tues. 24th, Apr. and Wed. 25th, Apr. I was absent and there was a substitute. If you were absent you will need to do the following: 1) Research the man Napoleon Bonaparte and find out 30 facts of interest and importance and use those 30 facts to construct a five paragraph essay explaining what you learned. You will use the same format as we have practiced. Please use the following handout to complete this assignment: Handout: Napoleon Essay Thank You.

Skits and Book Readings

On Fri. 20th, Apr. and Mon. 23rd, Apr. we enjoyed the presentations of skits and books for the Industrial Revolution. If you were not here, there is nothing to make up, unless you have something that was supposed to be turned in for the book or skit. We did, however, turn in our worksheet on the Age of Napoleon. Please turn that in as soon as you can, if you were absent. Thank you.

Friday, April 20, 2012

The French Revolution and Napoleon

On Wed. 18th, Apr. and Thurs. 19th, Apr. we looked at a video about the French Revolution and the reign of Napoleon.

If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Read Chapter 18 Section 1 The French Revolution Begins (pages 576-583) and complete the entire section review found on page 583. This will make up for the video you missed.

2) You will also need to read Chapter 18 Section The Age of Napoleon (pages 596-603) and complete the following worksheet.

Assignment: The Age of Napoleon

Thank you.

Industrial Revolution Skits and Books

On Mon. 16th, Apr. and Tues. 17th, Apr. we worked in our groups on our skits and books. If you were absent, you should have already had your responsibility chosen and you will need to finish that for your project. Depending on your class, the due dates are:

A Day (Friday 20th, April)
B Day (Monday 23rd, April)

If you were absent both Thursday 12th and Monday 16th (A Day) or Friday 13th and Tuesday 17th (B Day), you need an alternate assignment come and see me.

Thank you.

Friday, April 13, 2012

The Conditions of the Workers in the Industrial Revolution

On thurs. 12th, Apr. and Fri. 13th, Apr. we looked specifically at the conditions of the working poor during the Industrial Revolution. We looked at some first hand accounts and paintings from the period. We also read a small excerpt of the Communist Manifesto which was an essay written about the conditions of the poor and how they should be 'fixed'.

If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Complete the packet Conditions of the Working Class During the Industrial Revolution using your textbook. In order to complete Source 6, you will need to read the excerpt from the Communist Manifesto.

Assignment: Conditions of the Working Class

Reading Excerpt: Communist Manifesto (The Classless Society)

2) We also began work on a group project. We will incorporate you into this project on your return. If you have a friend in the class and can contact them, you might be able to go ahead and get started on your part before you return.

Assignment: Industrial Revolution Skits and Books


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Industrial Revolution

On Tue. 10th, Apr. and Wed. 11th, Apr. we began our next unit by looking at the Industrial Revolution. We looked specifically at why the Industrial Revolution began and started looking at the economic and social impacts of the Revolution.

If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Read Chapter 19 Section 1 (pages 614-621)and complete the worksheet you can download below:

Assignment: The Industrial Revolution Chapter 19 Section 1

2) We also corrected our essays, so there is nothing to make up there.


Wednesday, April 4, 2012


On Tues. 3rd, Apr. and Wed. 4th, Apr. we took our test and turned in a few other things.

If you were absent, you will need to do the following:

1) Schedule a time to come in and make up the test.

2) Turn in the following items:
- Your green notes packet (seven sheets of notes)
- Your buff colored packet of notes we took for the presentations
- Your pink review crossword


Friday, March 30, 2012

Test Review: Enlightenment and Social Crisis

On Fri. 30th, Mar. and Mon. 2nd, Apr. we reviewed for our test on the Social Crises, Absolutism, and the Enlightenment of the 16th-18th centuries in Europe.

If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Turn in your essay that you wrote last time. If you were not here last time, please check the two posts on this blog just before this one for information and instructions on how to write that essay.

2) Review your notes sheets. At the top of each notes sheet, there is a list of vocabulary and a set of questions you should be able to answer. Make sure you KNOW these things before the test. You will not have time to 'relearn' this material before you write your essays for the test.

3) Review the format for a five-paragraph informational essay. Next time we meet, we will be taking our test which will be two five-paragraph essays.

4) Please remember for the test you will be allowed to use the following items, if you show up without them, you will take the test without them:

- green notes sheets
- buff colored notes packet for the presentations
- your textbook


Thursday, March 29, 2012

Impact of the Enlightenment & Book Reports

On Wed. 28th, Mar. and Thurs. 29th, Mar. we discussed the impact of the Enlightenment and the results we now enjoy because of that time period. We took notes on the topic and then spent time finishing our five paragraph essays on the unit.

We also took some time at the beginning of class to enjoy some book report presentations. (If you were absent, you unfortunately missed these; however, you will not need to make anything up for them.)


1) Read Chapter 17 Sec 3 of your textbook and fill in the notes sheet to the best of your ability. If you are unable to find some of the notes, you may copy from a friend.

Notes: Impact of the Enlightenment Chapter 17 Section 3

2) You will need to use the outline that you created from last time and actually write the five paragraph essay you prepared for. These essays will be due next time at the beginning of class. IF YOU NEED HELP ON MORE INFORMATION ON WHAT I EXPECT, PLEASE CHECK THE POST FROM LAST CLASS LOCATED JUST BELOW.


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Enlightenment

On Fri. 23rd, Mar. and Tues. 27th, Mar. we discussed the importance of the Enlightenment. We discussed what it was and who some of the great thinkers and advancements of the time were. We also discussed how the United States is the beneficiary of this time period.

If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Read Chapter 17 Section 2 of your textbook and fill in as many of the notes as you can. Notes you are unable to find may be copied from a friend.

Notes: The Enlightenment Chapter 17 Sec 2

2) We also practiced writing more organized five paragraph essays. You need to choose a overall main point you learned by reading the section and put that into a main thesis statement. Then pick three key ideas or details that support your thesis. DO NOT worry about writing about everything in the chapter. Just write using the format below:

I. Introduction paragraph.
A. A clear, concise thesis that is the main point of the section.
B. Supporting fact #1 that supports your main thesis.
C. Supporting fact #2 that supports your main thesis.
D. Supporting fact #3 that supports your main thesis.
E. (Written in your own voice and words.)

II. Paragraph explaining fact #1 from introduction.
A. Supporting fact #1 becomes the thesis of this paragraph.
B. Detail #1 explaining supporting fact #1.
C. Detail #2 explaining supporting fact #1.
D. Detail #3 explaining supporting fact #1.
E. (Written in your own voice and words.)

III. Paragraph explaining fact #2 from introduction.
A. Supporting fact #2 becomes the thesis of this paragraph.
B. Detail #1 explaining supporting fact #2.
C. Detail #2 explaining supporting fact #2.
D. Detail #3 explaining supporting fact #2.
E. (Written in your own voice and words.)

IV. Paragraph explaining fact #3 from introduction.
A. Supporting fact #1 becomes the thesis of this paragraph.
B. Detail #1 explaining supporting fact #3.
C. Detail #2 explaining supporting fact #3.
D. Detail #3 explaining supporting fact #3.
E. (Written in your own voice and words.)

V. Conclusion paragraph.
A. Your thesis restated or reworded.
B. Supporting fact #1 restated or reworded.
C. Supporting fact #2 restated or reworded.
D. Supporting fact #3 restated or reworded.
E. (This conclusion should basically be your introduction just worded differently and of course written in your own words and voice.)

Thank You.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Scientific Revolution

On Wed. 21st, Mar. and Thurs. 22nd, Mar. we discussed the Scientific Revolution and enjoyed watching several student presentations.

If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Read Chapter 17 Section 1 The Scientific Revolution pages 538-545 and complete the assessment on page 545 (DO NOT complete question 8). You will also need to copy the notes from a friend.

Notes: The Scientific Revolution

2) Copy the notes on the presentations you missed from a friend.


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The World of European Culture

On Mon. 19th, Mar. and Tues. 20th, Mar. we looked at the culture of Europe during the 1600s and 1700s. We looked at the developments in art, literature, and political thought. We looked especially at Baroque art, William Shakespeare's plays, and the writings of John Locke.

If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up for what you missed:

1) Read Chapter 14 Section 4 and complete the following notes sheet. IF you can not find certain notes, you may copy from a friend:

Notes: The World of European Culture Chapter 14 Section 4

2) Copy the presentation notes for the Powerpoints that you missed from a friend. These are the notes we have been taking in our buff colored packets.

3) Then please continue with your project assignments in Building your Own City. You should at this point have a particular job that you are completing for your group.

IMPORTANT: These city projects are due on Friday (Mar. 23rd) for A Day and Tuesday (Mar. 27) for B Day.

Thank you.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Presentations and Group Work

On Thurs. 15th, Mar. and Fri. 16th, Mar. we accomplished three things:
First, we corrected our packets on Speaking Against Discrimination and Bullying along with the poster we created speaking against these things.
Second, we heard from several people who presented their Powerpoint presentations.
Third, we then spent roughly 40 mins working in our groups on our city building projects.

If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Turn in your packet on Speaking Against Bullying and Discrimination along with the poster you created for PART III of that packet.

2) Copy the notes from a friend that they took on the Powerpoint presentations that you missed.

3) To make up the group work there are two options based on whether you were here last time or not:

IF YOU WERE HERE LAST TIME AND BEGAN THE PROJECT, then you will need to work on your job for that project on your own. You will receive one more day in class to work on this project. The project will be due on Wed. 21st, Mar. (A DAY)or Thurs. 22nd, Mar. (B DAY).

IF YOU WERE NOT HERE LAST TIME AND HAVE NOT STARTED THE PROJECT, you will need to read Chapter 14 Section 4 (pages 472-477) and then complete the entire section review on page 477. Your answers for #6 and #8 should be at least 1/2 page each.


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Rise of Absolutism

On Tues. 13th, Mar. and Wed. 14th, Mar. we discussed the rise of absolutism in Europe and the two primary examples of that in King Louis XIV of France and Peter the Great of Russia.

If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Read Chapter 14 Section 3 (pages 464 - 469) and complete the entire section review on page 469. Be sure your essay for question #8 is a full page typed, double spaced. You might need to do some additional research to support your point of view.

IMPORTANT: I was unable to upload our notes and assignment. If you do this, however, you should be fine with getting what you need. We will integrate you into the project on your return.

Thank you.

Monday, March 12, 2012

The Witchcraft Trials and Revolutions in England

On Fri. 9th, Mar. and Mon. 12th, Mar. we kept our theme of discrimination and bullying going with notes and discussion on the witchcraft trials and revolution in England during the 1600s. We then listened to several presentations by students who presented their information on the people of the period.

If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make what you missed:

1) Read Chapter 14 section 2 of your text and fill in the notes as much as possible. Notes you are unable to find, you may copy from a friend.

Notes: Witchcraft Trials and Revolution in England Chapter 14 Section 2

2) Download the presentation notes packet and copy what you missed from a friend:

Packet: Presentation Notes

3) The packet you received last time on speaking out against discrimination and bullying will be due:

Thursday 15th, March (A Day) or Friday 16th, (B Day)

You will need to complete PART III of the packet on your own and have it ready on the day it is due.


Thursday, March 8, 2012

Speaking Against Discrimination

On Wed. 7th, Mar. and Thurs. 8th, Mar. we looked at the Wars of Religion that occurred in Europe during the 1500s. We then attempted to relate what was happening then with what happens in the Untied States today. We discussed discrimination, bullying, and judging others who are perceived as different from us. After our discussion we looked at a couple of videos that illustrate this concept.

If you were absent you will need to do the following:

1) Download the packet and answer the first six questions on your own:

Assignment: Speaking Against Discrimination

2) Then watch the two video clips and afterwards answer the questions about each one in the packet.

EXAMPLE 1: Discrimination in America Against Muslims

EXAMPLE 2: Discrimination Against Latinos in America

3) For part three, you do not yet have to finish your poster; however, you should design a rough sketch so you can begin working on this poster next time in class. You should look at your notes from last time along with what you learned today and develop a poster that meets the requirements of the instructions and illustrates the concept of discrimination across time periods.


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Wars of Religion - Notes

On Mon. 5th, Mar. and Tues. 6th, Mar. we read Chapter 14 Section 1 - The Wars of Religion and took notes. Monday I was actually ill and out and so there was a sub video. On Tuesday we had the ACT tests for the juniors and and so there was only the notes for our 20 minute class.

If you were absent, you will need to do the following:

1) Read Chapter 14 Section 1 and fill in the notes as much as possible. For notes you can not find, you may copy from a friend.

Notes: War of Religion Chapter 14 Section 1


Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Research and Powerpoints (Part 2)

On Wed. 29th, Feb. and Thurs. 1st, Mar. we continued with our research and powerpoint projects.

If you were absent, please see the blog post for Mon. 27th, Feb and Tues. 28th, Feb. for a description of the assignment.

IMPORTANT: Powerpoints and Report due for presentation starting on the 7th of March!!!


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Research and Powerpoints

On Mon. 27th, Feb. and Tues. 28th, Feb. we spent our time in the media center collecting information on topics related to our next unit and began preparing a 1 page report and powerpoint on the topic.

If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

IMPORTANT: We will be working on this same project in class again on Wed. 29th, Feb. and Thurs. 1st, Mar. If you are not finished by this time in class, you will have to make arrangements to finish the project on your own.

1) Choose a topic from the list that you think will be interesting to prepare a report and powerpoint on. Be VERY careful to choose a topic from the appropriate class. World Civilizations topics are listed first and then US History topics.

List: History Topics for Presentation

2) The read the instructions carefully. You should read through the entire instructions first before you begin. Follow the instructions step by step and pay attention to EVERY detail.

Instructions: History Powerpoint Presentations

3) Follow this template in making your own powerpoint. You can download a copy of the template and use it to make yours by modifying what you need to.

Template: Powerpoint Presentations



Monday, February 27, 2012

Current Events Feb

On Thurs. 23rd, Feb. and Fri. 24th, Feb. we conducted our current events discussion. We talked about the events in Syria, the Quran burning in Afghanistan, the GOP race and Santorum's comments on Obama, Boys and Anorexia, and even the latest controversy involving insurance and birth control.

If you were not here you will need to turn in your curren tevent forms on your return.


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

TEST: The Middle Ages and the Renaissance

On Tues. 21st, Feb and Wed. 22nd, Feb. we took our test on the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.

If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Turn in your assignment from last time, THE SPREAD OF PROTESTANTISM.

2) Turn in your notes packet. You should have a total of five notes sheets.

3) Plan a day to come in and make up the test. you have a two week period and then you will receive a 0 if you do not make it up.


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Reformation and Test REVIEW

On Thurs. 16th, Feb. and Fri. 17th, Feb. we discussed the Protestant Reformation and the spread of Protestantism throughout Europe. We also handed out your study review for the test on Tue.Wed. of next week.

If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed.

1) Read Chapter 12 Section 3 of your text and fill in your notes sheet:

Notes: The Reformation Chapter 12 Section 3

2) Read Chapter 12 Section 4 of your text and complete the assignment, THE SPREAD OF PROTESTANTISM:

Assignment: The Spread of Protestantism

3) Download the study guide and prepare for your test next Tues. for A day or Wed. for B Day.

Study Guide: The Middle Ages, Renaissance, and Reformation


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Renaissance and Michelangelo

On Tues. 14th, Feb. and Wed. 15th, Feb. we discussed the Renaissance and its characteristics. We looked specifically at Michelangelo as a representative of the Renaissance and his life/accomplishments.

If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed.

1) Turn in your assignment from last time: THE HUNDRED YEARS' WAR AND POLITICAL STABILITY.

2) Read Chapter 12 Sections 1 & 2 of your text and fill in the notes sheet.

Notes: The Renaissance

3) Write a one page report typed double spaced (two pages hand written) on Michelangelo. Your paper should answer the following questions:

- Who was Michelangelo and what were some details from his life?
- What did Michelangelo do that exemplified the spirit of the Renaissance?
- What are some of the works he is most famous for?
- How did Michelangelo help develop and influence Western culture as we know it today?
- Why is it important to know Michelangelo?


The Great Schism and Hundred Years' War

On Fri. 10th, Feb and Mon. 13th, Feb we looked at and discussed the Great Schism and the Hundred Years' War.

If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed.

1) Read Chapter 10 Sec 4 of your text and fill in the note sheet. If there are notes you can not find, you may copy them from a friend.

Notes: The Late Middle Ages Chapter 10 Sec 4

2) You will also need to finish the assignment by reading Chapter 10 Sec 4.

Assignment: The Hundred Years' War and Political Stability


Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Black Death

On Wed. 8th, Feb & Thurs. 9th, Feb. we discussed the Black Death. We spent the majority of the class watching a video and intermittently breaking to discuss the things we were seeing and learning.

If were absent (which is too bad because the video was VERY engaging), you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Turn in your assignment from last time UNIVERSITIES AND VERNACULAR LITERATURE.

2) Read Chapter 10 Sec 4 and fill in the notes sheet. For any notes you can not find you may copy from a friend, or you can sumamrize what you learn on another piece of paper.

Notes: The Late Middle Ages

3) Write a 2 page report (double spaced, typed) on the Black Death of the Middle Ages. Be sure to answer the following questions in your report:

- How did the plague start?
- Why did it spread so rapidly?
- What caused the disease?
- How did it specifically effect the human body?
- How did people of the Middle Ages react to what was happening?
- How did the disease affect the society, culture, economy, etc. of the Middle Ages?
- What were the lasting impacts of the Black Death?


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Middle Ages Culture & Gothic Cathedrals

On Mon. 6th, Feb. and Tues. 7th, Feb. we discussed the culture of the Middle Ages and one of the greatest cultural achievements of that time - the Gothic Cathedral.

If you were not here, you will need to do the following in order to make up what you missed:

1) Turn in your packet on debating The Separation of Church and State. You should have the following papers:
- The worksheet that you answered questions after reading the two articles (Jan 31 & Feb 1)
- and the debate presentation you made (Feb 2 & 3)

2) You will need to write a one page report on Gothic Cathedrals. You will need to do your own research but your report must answer the following questions/topics:
- What was the purposes of cathedrals? Why did the people of the Middle Ages build such elaborate places of worship?
- What is the difference between a Romanesque cathedral and a Gothic cathedral?
- Describe the architecture, style, artistic elements of the Gothic cathedral? (windows, stained glass, flying buttresses, gargoyles, etc.)

3) You will also need to complete the following 10 questions by using your textbook:

Assignment: Universitites and Vernacular Literature

You should have these three things on your return. Thanks.

Friday, February 3, 2012


On Thurs. 2nd, Feb. and Fri. 3rd, Feb. we discussed the importance of debate as a technique to express ourselves and as a tool for reflection and learning. We started by discussing what debate is and how it is used. We then discussed the SPAR debate technique. We practiced with several topics before we turned to the main topic at hand: the separation of church and state.

If you were absent, you will unfortunately miss the actual debate process; however, you can download the SPAR format instruction sheet and become familiar with how it works. You will have to write an alternate assignment that includes some of the elements of debate.

Using the articles and response sheet for the articles from last time, you will need to write a minimum 1 page paper that presents both sides of the argument that church and state should be separate. You will need to include the following elements:

1) Begin you paper by introducing the topic and why it is a point of debate.
2) Provide four arguments FOR keeping church and state separate
- One argument must be from the article you read
- One argument must include a fact or situation you learned from the notesheet
- Two arguments are your own, but you can use any source
3) Provide four arguments AGAINST keeping church and state separate, with the same requirements on the reasons.
4) Finish your paper with what you believe.

Please have this ready for next time.


Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Medieval Christianity and the Separation of Church and State

On Tues. 31st, Jan. and Wed. 1st, Feb. We discussed the role dispute between governmental power and religious power in medieval life. We then looked at how the dispute between government and religion continues today. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed.

1) Read Chapter 10 Section 2 only pages 342-344 and fill in your note sheet. If there are notes you can not find, you may copy from a friend.

Notes: Medieval Christianity Chapter 10 Section 2

2) You will need to read two articles on the issue of Separation of Church and State. One article is for the separation and the other article is against the separation. Fill in the assignment sheet as you are reading and be able to articulate both viewpoints. You will be asked to formalize your position and be able to argue your positions using details from both sides of the argument.

Article #1: FOR SEPARATION - Separation of Church and State: A First Amendment Primer
(Note: You can print this article out.)

Article #2: AGAINST SEPARATION - When did the US government pass a law dictating the separation of church and state? Where can this law be found?

Assignment: Debating the Separation of Church and State


The Rise of Cities in Europe During the Middle Ages

On Fri. 27th, Jan. and Mon. 30th, Jan. we discussed the growth of cities in Europe during the Middle Ages, peasant life, and the revival of trade. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Read Chapter 10 Sec 1 of your text and complete the notes and assignment. If there are notes you can not find, you may copy from a friend.

Notes: Peasants, Trade and Cities Chap 10 Sec 1

Assignment: The Revival of Trade and Growth of Cities

2) You will also need to create a summary response for what you learned today. Take a blank piece of paper and int he center draw a small box. In the box write the words "The Growth of Cities in the Middle Ages". Either above the box or to the left side write out at least 6 causes that resulted in the growth of cities. In other words, what were 6 things that happened that caused cities to grow during the Middle Ages? Then either below the box or to the right side, list at list 6 effects of having growing cities in the Middle Ages. In other words, what happened as a result of growing cities?

You will turn in your assignment and summary response upon your return.


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

January Current Events

On Wed. 25th, Jan. and Thurs. 26th, Jan. we held our current event discussion for January. The main topic of our discussion was the State of the Union address given by President Obama Tuesday evening. We discussed the major issues brought up, such as economy, immigration, and education, and the plans and vision of the president. We also discussed the role of Congress in passing legislation.

If you were absent, you will need to turn in your current event forms for January and a minimum 3/4 page response to the following article. You should address what you think of the speech, what issues seemed most important to you, and your feelings on the current divide between Republicans and Democrats.

Article: Current Event January


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Middle Ages Trade Simulation

On Mon. 23rd, Jan. and Tues. 24th, Jan. we spent the class period simulating trade and city building in preparation for our unit. Students formed into groups which represented cities and were given a limited stack of resources. In order to build the city, they needed to trade resources with other cities. These themes bring us into guilds, trade networks, and the rise of cities in Europe during the Middle Ages.

If you were absent, unfortunately you will not be able to participate in our simulation; however, you can make up the points by completing an alternate assignment. Write a 1 page report on 'Medieval Guilds'. In your paper, describe what guilds are, who was parts of guilds, and what guilds did during the Middle Ages. By completing this report, you will acquire some more in depth knowledge and make up for the participation that you missed.


Thursday, January 19, 2012

Review and Test: Africa Civilizations

On Wed. 18th, Jan & Thurs. 19th, Jan. we reviewed for our quiz on Africa and then took the quiz that same day. Because this quiz needed to be completed before the end of the semester and we did not have a formal review ahead of time, it was given as an open note quiz.

If you were absent, you will need to schedule a time to take the quiz. Make sure you bring your notes as you may use them and will be turning them in for points.

You may also download a copy of the review crossword (which again is available only for a limited time online) or pick one up from me on your return.

Review Crossword: African Civilizations


Friday, January 13, 2012

European Imperialism in Africa

On Fri. 13th, Jan & Tues. 17th, Jan we discussed the activities of European powers in Africa and the results of these things. We discussed imperialism and why countries engage in imperialistic activities.

If you were absent you will need to do the following:

1) Read Chapter 21 Section 2 of your text and complete the note sheet. If you can not find some notes, you may copy from a friend. Then complete the assignment.

Notes: Empire Building in Africa

Assignment: You will need to pick up on your return, sorry, but I could not get it uploaded.


Thursday, January 12, 2012

Class Presentations & Book Reports

On Wed. 11th, Jan. & Thursday 12th, Jan. we enjoyed presentations on book reports given by several students in each class. If you were absent on this day, you must turn in your hard copy of the book report and send an electronic copy to:

Otherwise there is nothing to make up.


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

African Culture and Society

On Mon. 9th, Jan. & Tue. 10th, Jan. we discussed African culture and society. We took notes on these elements and then we listened to American music that has been influenced by African themes and rhythms. The purpose of today was to gain a greater understanding of Africa's culture and to show that we as modern Americans are in fact connected to this great continent.

If you were absent you will need to complete the following in order to make up what you missed:

#1) Read Chapter 7 Section of your textbook. As you read fill in the notes sheet as much as possible. You may copy any missing notes from a friend.

Notes: African Society and Culture

#2) You will need to write a 1-2 page typed paper on African Influences on American music. In your paper you should address the following:

- What is syncopation and how does it relate to African music?
- What is call and response and how does it relate to African music?
- What is timbre and how does it relate to African music?
- What are some genres of music that have been heavily influenced by traditional African music themes: ragtime, blues, jazz, gospel, Motown, etc.?
- How are these genres and musical elements evident in today's American popular music styles?


Friday, January 6, 2012

Early African Kingdoms

On Thurs. 5th, Jan. and Fri. 6th, Jan. we spent the day looking at the early African kingdoms. We focused on government, achievements, and some of their cultural traits.

If you were absent you will need to read pages 238-239 and fill in the notes as much as possible. You may copy from a friend any of the notes you are unable to find. Then you will need to complete the jigsaw packet on your own. Unfortunately, you will need to complete the entire packet on your own.

Notes: Emerging African Civilizations Chap 7 Sec 1

Assignment: Jigsaw Activity - Kingdom and States of Africa


Thursday, January 5, 2012

History of Africa

On Tues. 3rd, Jan. & Wed. 4th, Jan. we began our exploration on the civilizations and history of Africa. We took notes on the geographic characteristics of Africa and watched a video on Great Zimbabwe.

If you were absent, you will need to do the following:

1) Read Chapter 7 Section 1 on the geography and climate of Africa. You can then fill in as much of the notesheet as possible. You can copy from a friend any of the notes you are unable to discover by reading the section.

2) Write a one page report on Great Zimbabwe and the civilization that built it.

Notes: Physical Geography of Africa
