Contact Mr. Ball

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Radical Revolution & The Age of Napoleon

On Tuesday 31st, Jan. we continued looking at the French Revolution and the Age of Napoleon. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) We completed the assignment from last time, The French Revolution Begins. Please turn this in on your return.

2) Read Chap 18 Sec 2 Radical Revolution and Reaction and complete the notes sheets.

Notes: Radical Revolution

 3) Watch the following video and write a 1 page minimum summary on what you learned. IMPORTANT: You only have to watch the first 25 minutes of the video! But you may watch more if you would like of course.

Video: Napoleon


Friday, January 27, 2017

The French Revolution

On Friday 27th, Jan. we continued our looka t the French Revolution. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Watch the following video and take at least 10 notes about what you learned. 

Video: Crash Course - French Revolution

3) Complete the following assignment:

Assignment: The French Revolution Begins


Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Quiz: Chapters 14 and 17 & The French Revolution

On Wednesday 25th, Jan. we took our quiz and then began looking at the French Revolution. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Turn in the following things:

- Chapter 17 Section 3 assignment Impact of the Enlightenment.
- Your notes on The American Revolution and the Enlightenment.
- Your pink review and three green notes sheets.

2) Schedule a time to come in and make up your quiz.

3) Downlaod the following assignment and watch the first 25 mins of the video. Be sure to take notes, but do not do the back side yet.

Listening Log: The French Revolution

Video: The French Revolution


Monday, January 23, 2017

The American Revolution & Chap 14/17 Review

On Monday 23rd, Jan. we finished out look at the impact of the Enlightenment specifically as it applied to the American Revolution. If you were absent, please do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Turn in your assignment from last time, Impact of the Enlightenment Chapter 17 Section 3.

2)  Read Chapter 17 Sec 4 - The American Revolution and complete the following instructions:

- On a piece of paper create four sections.

- Section 1 answer the question: What was the British system like before the American Revolution? Answer that question by reading the red heading Britain and the American Revolution. Your answer should be a series of bullet point or a summary paragraph.

- Section 2 answer the question: Why did the American Revolution begin? Answer that question by reading the blue heading The American Revolution Begins. Answer the same way as for #1.

- Section 3 answer the question: How did the Americans eventually defeat the British? Answer that question by reading the blue heading British Defeat. Again in the same way as #1.

- Section 4 answer the question: How did the ideas of the Enlightenment help create our new nation? Answer that question by reading everything after the red heading The Birth of a New Nation. Again in the same way as for #1.

3) Download the following review quiz and complete it using your notes, assignments, and book as needed.


Thursday, January 19, 2017

The Enlightenment and its Impact

On Wednesday 19th, Jan. we covered the Enlightenment and its impact on Europe.s. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Download the following notes and read Chapter 17 Sec 2 and fill in the notes to the best of your ability.

Notes: The Enlightenment Chapter 17 Sec 2

2) Dowload and  complete the following assignment.

Assignment: The Impact of the Enlightenment Chap 17 Sec 3


Friday, January 13, 2017

Scientific Revolution (Continued)

On Friday 13th. Jan. we looked at the Scientific Revolution. We watched a small video, took notes, and then completed an assignment on scientific and technological change in our daily lives. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Turn in your assignment from last time.

2)Go over your assignment from last time,  Chapter 17 Section 1 of your textbook, and view the following powerpoint and complete the following notes.

Notes: Scientific Revolution

Powerpoint: The Scientific Revolution

3) Watch the following video and write a 1/2 page summary on the back of your notes about the differences now to what you just read.

Video: Did You Know?

4) Complete the following assignment by reading the instructions. Remember the last column needs a parent or another adult to complete.

Assignment: Scientific Advancement Through the Ages


Substitute Work

On Wednesday 11th, Jan there was a substitute. However, the work can not be uploaded to the blog. Therefore, you will need to come in adn see me for make up ASAP.


Monday, January 9, 2017

The Scientific Revolution

On Monday 9th, Jan. we finished our discusion of Europe in the 1500s - 1700s and then moved to a new topic called the Scientific Revolution. If you were absent you will need to do the following:

1) Turn in your three-panel broschure we have been making over the alst couple of classes and the assignment from last time on Chapter 14 Section 1 & 2.

2) Read Chapter 14 Section 3 of your text and complete the notes sheet. As an alternative you can read the section and complete questions 1 - 7 of the assessment at the end.

Notes: Response to Crisis

3) Downlaod and complete the book work.

Chapter 17 Sec 1 - The Scientific Revolution


Thursday, January 5, 2017

Social Crises in Europe 1500s-1700s

On Thursday 5th, January we followed the same format as the class before; however, the topic was social issues. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Using the same three-fold paper you created alst time, use the back to complete the assignment.

- On the back side of that paper, title one column United States 2017, the middle coulmn Both, and the last column Europe 1500s -1600s.

- In the US column discuss with others what social/economic/and political issues the US is facing in 2017. (We did this as a large class discussion.)

- For the last column you will bullet point twelve issues you learned after completing the following assignment. You do no tneed to do the middle column at this time.

2)  Read Chapter 14 Secs 1 & 2 and complete the following assignment. Unfortunately, since you were not here you will need to do both sides because you will not have a partner.

Assignment: Chapter 14 Sections 1 & 2


Peter the Great & Donald Trump

On Tuesday 3rd, January we began our look at Europe in the 1500s- 1700s. We did so by considering the leaders of the time with leaders today. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Take a large piece of blank, unlined paper (you can get one from me if needed) and fold it into threes. In the first column title it Donald J. Trump. In the middle column, title it Both. In the final column, title it Peter the Great.

For the columns on Trump and Peter the Great answer the following three questions with at least seven facts each:

- What kind of man is he? What do we know about him persoanlly?
- What does he believe and want to happen? What is his vision for the future?
- How did this man come into power? What position did he have?

IMPORTANT: We discussed Trump as a class and then watched a video on Peter the Great. However, the video we watched on Peter the Great is blocked on copyright grounds and will not allow me to upload. So in order to make up the video, you will need to conduct some internet research on Peter the Great.

In the middle column list five substantial things that are similar between the two men AND five substantial things that are different. 
