Contact Mr. Ball

Friday, April 29, 2016

The Russian Revolution

On Friday 29th, Apr. we continued with World War I, but then talked about the Russian Revolution of 1917. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Turn in your assignment from last time, World War I - Chapter 23 Sec 2.

2) Read Chapter 23 Section 3 (best option) or copy from a friend (not best option) and complete the notes:

Notes: The Russian Revolution

3) Then watch the following video (the first 25 minutes is all) and write a 1/2 to 3/4 page summary about what you learned.


Wednesday, April 27, 2016

World War I

On Wednesday 27th, Apr. we continued our look at World War I. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Download and complete the following assignment by reading Chap 23 Sec 2 (begins page 762) of your text.

Assignment: World War I

2) Then watch the following documentary. You only need to watch the first 25 minutes of it and then write a 1/2 to 1 page summary about what you learned about aircraft and aerial combat in WWI.

Video: The First Dogfighters (Aerial Combat in WWI)


Monday, April 25, 2016

TEST & Intro to World War I

On Monday 25th, Apr. we took our tests that we created last time and then began our look at World War I. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up waht you missed:

1) Schedule a time to come in a make up your test.

2) Read Chapter 23 Section 1 and complete the following worksheet.

Worksheet: Road to WWI

3) Unfortunately, the documentary we watched will not upload to the blog. Therefore you will need to do a little research on your own and answer the following questions in a 1 page summary:

- Which new weapons/ tactics were introduced during WWI (e.g., tanks, airplanes, poison gas, trench warfare, machine guns, flamethrowers, etc.)?
- Describe these weapons. How did they work, what problems or benefits did they have, how were they used?
- How did these new weapons/tactics affect the soldiers and the fighting of WWI?
- What advantages/disadvantages did these weapons/tactics provide for the armies using them?


TEST: Empires and Imperialism

On Thursday 21st, April. we recapped what we learned about imperialism as it applied to India and Japan. We then spent the remainder of the day creating tests for the unit. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Turn in your assignment from last time, The Rise of Modern Japan.

2) Using your assignments from the unit (which we passed back in class, you can come get them) or your textbook or both, follow the instructions on the Test Creation Assignment. Be sure to follow the directions carefully and come see me (or email me) if you need help.

IMPORTANT: You will two blank pieces of paper and you will be using the following chapters and sections of your text. Chapter 15 & 16  along with Chapter 21 Secs 1-3 & Chapter 22 Sec 3

Test Creation Assignment: Chapters 15-16 & Chapters 21-22


Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Imperialism: India & Japan

On Tuesday19th, Apr. we continued our look at imperialism around the world. If you were absent, you will need to do the following in order to make up what you missed:

1) Please turn in the following on your return: Chapter 21 Sec 2 - Empire Building in Africa worksheet & the poster you made Imperialism in Africa.

2) Download the following set of notes and read Chapter 21 Sec 3 and complete each section (they follow the sections of the book for the most part). For each section you should have 5 facts and be sure to include the terms located at the top of the notes sheet in your notes with their proper definitions.

Notes: Chapter 21 Section 3 - British Rule in India

3) Then you need to take a blank piece of paper and title it The Rise of Modern of Japan. Then you will need to read Chapter 22 Section 3 and then answer the following question:

- How was Japan's experience with western imperialism the same as and different from other regions in the world?

As you read Chapter 22 Sec 3 take notes on details and information that would help you answer this question in great detail. You should have at least 3/4 page worth of notes and info that answer the above question.


Friday, April 15, 2016

Imperialism: Africa - Part 2

On Friday 15th, Apr. we spent the day finishing our assignment from last time. We went through and finished the questions for part two and discussed them as a class. I then handed out the large, blank piece of paper that people used to create their posters. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Complete part 2 of the assignment you received last time.

2) Then using that information, move ona nd complete part 3 using the alrge piece of paper. If you need that paper, you can pick one up from me ASAP.


Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Imperialism: Africa

On Wednesday 13th, Apr. we continued our look at European/Western imperialism as it pertains to Africa. I also returned and was able to collect some materials that were technically due last time. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Turn in the following items that were originally due last time:

- Presentations Notes: Asian Empires Ming, Qing, Tokugawa

2) Turn in the assignment from last time with the substitute.

Chapter 21 Section 1 Colonial Rule in Southeast Asia

3) Download the following and complete the first two parts ONLY!

Assignment: Chapter 21 Section 2 Empire Building in Africa


Imperialism: Southeast Asia

On Monday 11th, Apr. we began our look at European/Western imperialism throughout the world. There was actually a substitute, but if you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Please downlaod the following assignment and use your online book to complete:

Worksheet: Outline Chap 21 Section 1 Colonial Rule in Southeast Asia

Please have ready ASAP!

2) There was a video also that was shown to the students; however, this video although historically related is not necessary to make up for the few who were absent. It is considered an enrichment video for sub use.


Thursday, April 7, 2016

Presentations: The Asian Empires (Ming, Qing, & Tokugawa)

On Thursday 7th, Apr. we did the same thing as we did last time except our focus was on the Asian Empires of the Ming, Qing, and Tokugawa. If you were absent please do exactly as we did last time, using the presentations below. Or if you were absent last time, please follow the instructions below:

1) Look through and read each of the following presentations. On a blank piece of paper you should take notes on each presentation. You will need a minimum of 20 notes for each empire with at least 10 notes coming from each presentation. Do not take more than one note per slide. When you are finished you will have taken at least 60 notes combined for all presentations and empires.

Presentation #1

Presentation #2

Presentation #1

Presentation #2

Presentation #1

Presentation #2

2) When finished you need a large, blank piece of paper. Create a triple Venn diagram and complete it by filling in appropriate facts for each of the seven sections of the diagram. Each of the circles of the diagram represents one of the empires. Follow the template below:

Triple Venn Diagram Template


Presentations: The Islamic Empires (Ottomans, Safavids, & Mughals)

On Tuesday 5th, April we spent the majority of our time listening to and discussing the presentations made about the Islamic Empires. We took notes on two presentations for EACH empire, so a total of 6 presentations. We then constructed a triple Venn diagram to compare and contrast what we had learned. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Look through and read each of the following presentations. On a blank piece of paper you should take notes on each presentation. You will need a minimum of 20 notes for each empire with at least 10 notes coming from each presentation. Do not take more than one note per slide. When you are finished you will have taken at least 60 notes combined for all presentations and empires.

Presentation #1

Presentation #2

Presentation #1

Presentation #2

MUGHALS (Moguls):
Presentation #1

Presentation #2

2) When finished you need a large, blank piece of paper. Create a triple Venn diagram and complete it by filling in appropriate facts for each of the seven sections of the diagram. Each of the circles of the diagram represents one of the empires. Follow the template below:

Triple Venn Diagram Template
