Contact Mr. Ball

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Reaction and Revolution

On Thursday 26th, Mar. we covered Chapter 19 Sections 2 & 3. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

 1) Please read Chapter 19 Section 2 Reaction and Revolution and complete the notes sheet as best you can. For any notes you are unable to find, you may copy from a friend.

Notes: Reaction and Revolution Chapter 19 Section 2

2) Please download the assignment and read the instructions carefully. If you will be here next time, you only need to read and complete PART ONE. If you will not be here next time as well, then you will need to complete the packet yourself.

Assignment: Nationalism Packet

Thank You.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Book Reports

Tuesday 24th, Mar. we spent the class in book reports and presentations from the 1950s. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Nothing to make up on book reports.


Monday, March 23, 2015


On Friday 20th, Mar. we spent the entire class listening to presentations. If you were absent, you will need to copy the notes from the presentations that were given from a friend.


Conditions fo the Working Class

On Wednesday 18th, Mar. we looked at the conditions of the working class and discussed the idea of socialism. We then listened to some of the presentations. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Complete the packet Conditions of the Working Class During the Industrial Revolution using your textbook. In order to complete Source 6, you will need to read the excerpt from the Communist Manifesto.

Assignment: Conditions of the Working Class

Reading Excerpt: Communist Manifesto (The Classless Society)

2) Copy the notes on the presentations that were given from a friend.


Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Industrial Revolution - Introduction

On Monday 16th, Mar. we began our study of the Industrial Revolution. We actually spent almost the entire class period in a  discussion on social class, property, work and ownership. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Consider the following questions which were discussed and how you might answer them. You should write your answers down on a separate piece of paper titled Industrial Revolution: Introductory Discussion Questions.

- What is property?
- Why is owning property important?
- How does one gain ownership of property?
- Why do some people have more property than others?
- Why are some people workers and others management?
- How are these things reflected in our society today?

2) Read Chapter 19 Section 1 (pages 614-621)and complete the following worksheet (which was given as notes):

Assignment: The Industrial Revolution Chapter 19 Section 1


Friday, March 13, 2015

Project Continuation

On Thursday 12th, Mar. we spent the  day working on our projects on the computer. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) You should continue with parts 3 & 4 of your project. Please follow instructions carefully and if you have ANY questions please ask me. You will be creating a 1 page, double spaced report on Google Docs and a seven slide presentation using Google Presentation. For the slide show please follow the template that is included in the instructions packet.

IMPORTANT: If you have been absent and have not received a topic, please look over the topic list below and pick any topic from the list to do your project on. Please follow the instructions in the instructions packet.

Topics: Research Project 3rd Quarter

Instructions: History Report and Presentation

Presentation Template


Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Research Projects

On Tuesday 10th, Mar. we turned in our materials from the Asian and Islamic Empires assignments. We then began a research project and spent the remainder of the day researching. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Turn in the following from two times ago:

- The fact gathering worksheet where you gathered 12 facts about your civilization.
- The visual poster you created for your civilization.
- The notes that you took on the civilization presentations.

2) Turn in your assignments from last time: The questions you created and the video notes.

3) Download the following topic sheet and choose on of the people that most interest you. You will then conduct self research and gather at least 1-2 pages worth of notes. Your notes should answer the following questions:

- Why is this person important? What did they do or accomplish?
- What is the private life of this person like?
- Are there any unusual or fun facts about your person?
- Why should we care about this person?

Topics: Research Project 3rd Quarter


Friday, March 6, 2015

Civilizations of Central America

On Friday 6th, Mar. I was absent due to a sudden illness and there was a substitute. If you were also absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) These are the instructions left for the sub

        Textbooks should be under the desks, if more are needed they are located on the counter by the map. Have each student take out two blank pieces of paper and turn to Chapter 11 Section 2 (page 372). Have them read this section and create 16 questions that are at least one sentence in length and require an answer that is at least 1-2 sentences in length. They should make their questions on one piece of paper and put the answers on the second piece of paper . Give them approximately 25-30 mins to work on that assignment. If the majority need more time to finish it and they are working good in your judgment, you may give them more time as needed. Tell them that this assignment will be due next time.  IMPORTANT: If not everyone finishes and there are just a handful of people left, go ahead and move. DON’T SPEND ALL CLASS ON THIS!
       When finished, have each student take out a third blank piece of paper and have them watch the video Ancient Maya. They should watch the episode and take at least 25 significant notes on what they learn about him. With about 5-10 mins left of class stop the video and have them use the notes to write a minimum 1/2  page summary about what they learned as if they were explaining this video to someone who knew nothing about him. Remind them this will be due next time.
IMPORTANT: Since the video will not upload I would like you to do some self research and write a 1 page description or summary of ancient Mayan civilization in Central America. Include information on art, religion, government, social class, cities, and writing systems.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Islamic and Asian Civilizations Presentations

On Monday 2nd, Mar. we worked together in groups to create presentations for the six civilizations that we worked on. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1)  Please turn in your fact worksheet and your visual poster for the civilization that you chose.

2) The we made presentations and took notes on the other five civilizations. This is a project that will be difficult for you to make up on your own. So when you return we will get the presentation notes from another student in the class for you to copy.

3) You will need to study those notes for a small quiz on these civilizations.

Thank you.