Contact Mr. Ball

Friday, September 30, 2011

Current Event: September and Review

On Thurs. 29th, Sept. and Fri. 30th, Sept. we spent the day talking about current events. We began by having three students share stories that they felt were especially important or interesting and then we discussed those stories as a class. Because this part of the class was open to whoever wanted to speak our discussion ranged from tainted cantaloupes to Muslim missionaries to Congressional approval ratings to Performing Arts centers. We then spent the remainder of the time looking at the latest news on women's rights from around the world. Specifically we considered the Australian government's decision to allow women to serve in all combat roles and Saudi Arabia's decision to allow women to vote, while still punishing them for driving a car.

If you were absent, you will need to turn in your three (3) blue current event sheets and the cream colored instruction sheet. All of these sheets will need to signed by a parent or guardian for credit. Also you will need a copy of the current event article we discussed and write a response to it. This, however, will not be available online and you will have to get a copy directly from me.

IMPORTANT: I did hand out a copy of the study guide and review for our quiz next week.


Chinese Philosophies and Indian Religion

On Tues. 27th, Sept. and Wed. 28th, Sept. we spent the time looking at the religions of ancient India, Hinduism and Buddhism. We also looked at a different way of thinking by considering the philosophies of ancient China, Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism. We spoke about what duty means, how to be happy, and whether or not humans were naturally good or evil.

If you were absent, you will need to turn in the assignment from last time. You will also need a copy of the notes and ask a friend to copy for theirs so you can copy. You will also need to print out the assignment on Chinese Philosophies and use your text to answer the questions.


Monday, September 26, 2011

The Early Empires of China

On Fri. 23rd, Sept. and Mon. 26th, Sept. we corrected our assignment on ancient India and then introduced the earliest Chinese dynasties: Shang, Zhou, and Qin. We watched a video that introduced these dynasties and then took time to discuss each dynasty after it was introduced.

If you were absent, you will need to write a 1 page handwritten, single spaced report on the Shang Dynasty and a 1 page report on the Zhou Dynasty. The Qin dynasty I will cover for you so you get the info you need.


Friday, September 23, 2011

Civilization Rises in India

On Wed. 21st, Sept. and Thurs. 22nd, Sept. we looked at the rise of civilization in the Indus River Valley and the earliest empires of India. We also discussed how physical geography has a major impact on how and even if a civilization develops. The Indus River Valley civilization had all the six characteristics of a civilized society, but it had developed some traits that were unique to the world. After nomadic invaders destroyed the civilization, new empires, such as the Mauryan and Gupta empires, took its place.

If you were absent, you will need to turn in your work from last time. Also you will need to download a copy of the notes and copy them from a friend in class. The assignment can be completed by using your textbook and simply following the instructions.


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

India and China

On Mon. 19th, sept. and Tues. 20th, Sept we began our unit on Ancient India and China. We began by looking at a video called The Story of India: (Episode 2) The Power of Ideas. This video gave us a great introduction into some of the powerful ideas, people, and events of ancient India.

We then took some time to analyze the physical geography of India and China and how these features along with climate helped influence the development of civilization in these areas.

If you were absent you will need to write a 1 page typed report double spaced on ONE of the following topics to make up for the video:

1) The Origins of Buddhism
2) The Mauryan Empire
3) Chandragupta Maurya (The First Emperor of the Mauryan Empire)
4) Ashoka (The grandson of Chandragupta)

Also you will need to complete the worksheet:

Thank you.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Test Day!

On Thurs. 15th, Sept. and Fri. 16th, Sept. we spent the majority of the day taking our test on our unit about "Early Humans and Civilizations". We then corrected those tests today.

In addition to our test we took some time to correct our Evaluating the Timeline of the Ancient Middle East worksheet. We also turned in our three green note sheets and the review crossword as a review packet before we took the test.

If you were absent, you will need to arrange a time to come in before or after school to make up your test. You will also need to bring your three green note sheets and review crossword to turn in.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Review and Timeline Correction

On Tues. 13th, Sept. and Wed. 14th, Sept. we spent the first part of class correcting our timelines. Then we took some time to evaluate those time lines by looking at cause and effect and change over time and discussing these things. We then spent the remaining 20-25 mins reviewing for our quiz on Chaps. 1 & 2 for next time.

Students were informed that on test days they need to come with a reading book in case they finish early and to take care of any personal business before they come. There are no hall passes during a test, except for obvious and immediate emergencies.

If you were absent you will need to have your timeline ready to turn in when you return and have the evaluation worksheet completed. Also, the review crossword must be completed and you will need to turn in all of your green notes sheets for the unit.

The review crossword we used to study our vocabulary can be found here. To print, right click on puzzle and select print.


Friday, September 9, 2011

Making a Timeline

On Friday 9th Sept. and Monday 12th Sept. we will take the dates we gathered from our last class and we will arrange them to create a timeline of the events we has thus far studied. The purpose of this timeline is to illustrate changes and development of humans over time. Also, students will gain a better understanding of the AD/BC system. Students were also instructed in the parallel system of BCE/CE. The timeline we created will also be illustrated with some of the more important events of the time period. After students make the timeline, they will take some time to evaluate the events and make connections between the events.

We also passed out a study guide for our first quiz which will be Thursday 15th, Sept.

If you were absent, you can still download the timeline questions. However, the actual timeline sheets were made by hand and I have been unable to get them uploaded to the blog. So you have two options: you may wait until your return to get the sheets to make the timeline or you make simply use some blank paper (you should use at lest three sheets, taped together) to make your own.

Making your own is most likely the BETTER OPTION!!!


Thursday, September 8, 2011

New Civilizations and Empires

On Wed. 7th, Sept. and Thurs. 8th, Sept. we discussed the rise of new civilizations and empires. Our main point of the day is that civilizations advances through two primary ways: innovation and cultural diffusion. Innovation simply means the creation of something new from within the culture. Cultural diffusion refers to the process by which technology and ideas spread from one culture to another.

We then spent some time gathering dates from the various topics we have thus covered. The purpose of which is to create an illustrated timeline of the ancient Middle East. Once our timeline is completed, we will be able to visually analyze the progress of civilization over time.

If you were absent, you will need to print out the notes and worksheet. The notes you will need to copy from a friend in the class and then use your textbook to complete the assignment.

Thank you.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Ancient Sumeria and Egypt

On Friday 2nd Sept. and Monday 6th Sept. we analyzed the development and contributions of the ancient Sumerians and Egyptians. We discussed their contribution to modern civilization and the structure of their societies, along with information on their religions, governments, and arts.

If you were absent, you will need to copy the notes from a friend or complete as much as you can by reading the book. Also, you will need to complete the worksheet on ancient Egypt.


Friday, September 2, 2011

Early Humans and the Rise of Civilizations

On Wed. 31st Aug. and Thurs. 1st Sep. we discussed the rise of humans and the development of civilizations. The information presented was presented as a theory that is generally accepted by anthropologists and archaeologists. We discussed the development of humans and how agriculture led to the beginnings of human civilization. Students took notes on this information and then we completed an assignment identifying the six characteristics of civilization and then compared those characteristics ancient and modern.

If you were absent, please print out the following notes sheet and copy from a friend in class. You will also need to print out the Six Characteristics of Civilization worksheet and use your textbook to complete.

If you have any issues, please come see me. Thanks.