Contact Mr. Ball

Monday, August 29, 2011

Introduction to Class

On Monday 29th Aug. (A day) and Tuesday 30th Aug. (B day) we spent the class period introducing the class to World Civilizations. We did the following:
- Mr. Ball introduced himself to the class
- organized our seating chart
- went over the disclosure
- introduced this blog and the importance thereof
- spent time discussing expectations
- discussed the importance of history
- took a small pre-assessment quiz

Also two assignments were introduced: the quarter book report/presentation and current events.


Sunday, August 21, 2011

Online Assignments

Testing options to see if assignments can be made available online.

4th Quarter project instructions


Email Subscription

Testing the email subscription service. This is a very cool new option, if it works.


Setting Up Our Blog

Today I began constructing our blog to keep students and parents informed of what is going on in class.
