Contact Mr. Ball

Friday, March 30, 2012

Test Review: Enlightenment and Social Crisis

On Fri. 30th, Mar. and Mon. 2nd, Apr. we reviewed for our test on the Social Crises, Absolutism, and the Enlightenment of the 16th-18th centuries in Europe.

If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Turn in your essay that you wrote last time. If you were not here last time, please check the two posts on this blog just before this one for information and instructions on how to write that essay.

2) Review your notes sheets. At the top of each notes sheet, there is a list of vocabulary and a set of questions you should be able to answer. Make sure you KNOW these things before the test. You will not have time to 'relearn' this material before you write your essays for the test.

3) Review the format for a five-paragraph informational essay. Next time we meet, we will be taking our test which will be two five-paragraph essays.

4) Please remember for the test you will be allowed to use the following items, if you show up without them, you will take the test without them:

- green notes sheets
- buff colored notes packet for the presentations
- your textbook


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