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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Enlightenment

On Fri. 23rd, Mar. and Tues. 27th, Mar. we discussed the importance of the Enlightenment. We discussed what it was and who some of the great thinkers and advancements of the time were. We also discussed how the United States is the beneficiary of this time period.

If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Read Chapter 17 Section 2 of your textbook and fill in as many of the notes as you can. Notes you are unable to find may be copied from a friend.

Notes: The Enlightenment Chapter 17 Sec 2

2) We also practiced writing more organized five paragraph essays. You need to choose a overall main point you learned by reading the section and put that into a main thesis statement. Then pick three key ideas or details that support your thesis. DO NOT worry about writing about everything in the chapter. Just write using the format below:

I. Introduction paragraph.
A. A clear, concise thesis that is the main point of the section.
B. Supporting fact #1 that supports your main thesis.
C. Supporting fact #2 that supports your main thesis.
D. Supporting fact #3 that supports your main thesis.
E. (Written in your own voice and words.)

II. Paragraph explaining fact #1 from introduction.
A. Supporting fact #1 becomes the thesis of this paragraph.
B. Detail #1 explaining supporting fact #1.
C. Detail #2 explaining supporting fact #1.
D. Detail #3 explaining supporting fact #1.
E. (Written in your own voice and words.)

III. Paragraph explaining fact #2 from introduction.
A. Supporting fact #2 becomes the thesis of this paragraph.
B. Detail #1 explaining supporting fact #2.
C. Detail #2 explaining supporting fact #2.
D. Detail #3 explaining supporting fact #2.
E. (Written in your own voice and words.)

IV. Paragraph explaining fact #3 from introduction.
A. Supporting fact #1 becomes the thesis of this paragraph.
B. Detail #1 explaining supporting fact #3.
C. Detail #2 explaining supporting fact #3.
D. Detail #3 explaining supporting fact #3.
E. (Written in your own voice and words.)

V. Conclusion paragraph.
A. Your thesis restated or reworded.
B. Supporting fact #1 restated or reworded.
C. Supporting fact #2 restated or reworded.
D. Supporting fact #3 restated or reworded.
E. (This conclusion should basically be your introduction just worded differently and of course written in your own words and voice.)

Thank You.

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