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Monday, October 10, 2016

Feudalism & the Rise of European Kingdoms

On Monday 10th, Oct. we began our look at feudalism and the beginnings of the great kingdoms in Europe. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) read Chapter 9 Sections 1 and 2 of your textbook and complete the following notes. You may copy the notes from a friend; however, it is important that you read your text so you get the context.

Notes: Chapter 9 Secs 1 & 2 - Role of the Church and Feudalism

2) Then using the instructions you download below, gather notes on the European Kingdoms in section 3 of Chapter 9. For now you only have to get notes on England, the rest we will do on your return.

Assignment: Making a History Booklet

IMPORTANT: Step 4 of the instruction, the illustration page, is now extra credit!


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