Contact Mr. Ball

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Research Projects

On Tuesday 10th, Mar. we turned in our materials from the Asian and Islamic Empires assignments. We then began a research project and spent the remainder of the day researching. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) Turn in the following from two times ago:

- The fact gathering worksheet where you gathered 12 facts about your civilization.
- The visual poster you created for your civilization.
- The notes that you took on the civilization presentations.

2) Turn in your assignments from last time: The questions you created and the video notes.

3) Download the following topic sheet and choose on of the people that most interest you. You will then conduct self research and gather at least 1-2 pages worth of notes. Your notes should answer the following questions:

- Why is this person important? What did they do or accomplish?
- What is the private life of this person like?
- Are there any unusual or fun facts about your person?
- Why should we care about this person?

Topics: Research Project 3rd Quarter


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