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Friday, May 23, 2014

WWII in a Day

On Friday 23, May and Tuesday 27th, May we studied WWII in a day. If you were absent, you will need to do the following to make up what you missed:

1) You need to read the WWII in Europe packet (Which unfortunately I was unable to upload to this blog) and complete the questions that go with that packet. You will need to pick the packet up in class on your return. From the packet you need to write a 1 page summary that answers the following questions:

1) What did Hitler do after becoming leader of Germany?
2) What is appeasement and why did it fail to prevent WWII?
3) How did the League of Nations fail to prevent WWII?
4) How did WWII compare to WWI?

IMPORTANT: If you are unable to wait, email me ASAP at and we will work out an alternative!

2) Copy the following notes from a friend as they are not in your book.

War in the Pacific

3) We talked about the Battles of Iwo Jima and Okinawa and their importance. Please research on your own each battle and explain the importance of the battle, who won, and why it was fought in 1/2 page summary for EACH battle. Include casualty statistics and any other interesting facts.


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