Contact Mr. Ball

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Middle Ages Trade Simulation

On Mon. 23rd, Jan. and Tues. 24th, Jan. we spent the class period simulating trade and city building in preparation for our unit. Students formed into groups which represented cities and were given a limited stack of resources. In order to build the city, they needed to trade resources with other cities. These themes bring us into guilds, trade networks, and the rise of cities in Europe during the Middle Ages.

If you were absent, unfortunately you will not be able to participate in our simulation; however, you can make up the points by completing an alternate assignment. Write a 1 page report on 'Medieval Guilds'. In your paper, describe what guilds are, who was parts of guilds, and what guilds did during the Middle Ages. By completing this report, you will acquire some more in depth knowledge and make up for the participation that you missed.


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